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Four, Mars/Dash, rated G deifire January 5 2016, 02:53:33 UTC
Filling this on the fourth day of the year for the fourth Snowflake Challenge.

Ten Years Later

The bedside clock reads four a.m. Dash was only dreaming. At least...

His eyes dart around the room, and he becomes aware he’s muttering under his breath when Marshall rolls over and blinks at him.

"Are you counting the walls?" Marshall asks.

"Yeah," says Dash, too tired to make something up.

"Oh," says Marshall. "Are they all still there?"

"Yeah," Dash confirms. "All four of them."

"Good." Marshall takes his hand. "I hate that nightmare, too."

Dash curls up beside him. He closes his eyes and tries convincing himself he has no doubts everything here is real.


Re: Four, Mars/Dash, rated G froodle January 5 2016, 08:13:53 UTC
Damn it i gotta go work! Something to look forward to at hometime, i guess ess!


RE: Four, Mars/Dash, rated G froodle January 5 2016, 18:28:33 UTC
Just got home n read this, omggggggggg


Re: Four, Mars/Dash, rated G deifire January 11 2016, 16:53:53 UTC
Thanks! (Just saw this now, for some reason.)


RE: Re: Four, Mars/Dash, rated G froodle January 12 2016, 09:29:16 UTC
If youre on hotmail or.yahoo etc lj might have your email address set to unverified and it stops yo from getting your messages. It happening to me and eventualy i started a gmail just for lj,grr


Re: Four, Mars/Dash, rated G eviinsanemonkey January 12 2016, 16:07:01 UTC


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