Eerie, Indiana fanfiction: Eventide

Jun 30, 2016 18:07

Written for Day 30 of the 31_days June challenge. The prompt was "i recognise my world for a kingdom of death"

The green woods surrounding the Eerie Cemetery were full of bluebells, and dragonflies danced in the evening air. The red-gold of the setting sun filtered through the bright summer foliage and left little spots of light and warmth on the living earth. As the day drew to a close and the sun crept closer to the horizon, the woods grew darker and the shadows that moved beneath the trees were not only those cast by branches moving in a quickening breeze.

As the night came on, the pools of darkness that lurked around the gnarled and twisted roots of the oldest trees thickened and spread. When the last rays of light faded from the sky, the night gaunts came walking quietly over the grave mounds. Where they stepped, the colour faded from the world, as if the ground itself shrank from them in fear. The dragonflies fled and the birds huddled in their roosts were still and silent. Even Eerie’s great ravens found they had nothing to say.

Frost formed over the bright summer blooms and the delicate warm-weather flowers withered and died of fright, as Eerie’s lost children gathered in the gloaming and turned their pale faces to the rising moon.

The Children

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Whistle by froodle, in which Steve Konkalewski is unhappy about the way things turned out...

Three by froodle, in which Marshall and Devon discuss video games in a cemetary

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A Story About Devon Wilde by froodle. Devon Wilde walked through the Eerie Cemetery, and his feet made no sound on the gravel pathways.

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fanon: lillian, char: mary c carter, fanworks: ongoing verse, a: froodle, char: steve, char: mars, place: eerie cemetary, external challenge: 31 days, char: melanie, char: fluffy, ongoing verse: children, char: tripp, fanworks: fic, char: mary b carter, char: devon, comm event: prompt/challenge

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