Title: Rockabye Universe: Animated (Mother-Allspark AU) Rating: PG Characters: Jazz, Sari, Mother-Allspark Warnings: TISSUES. i seriously went through nearly a box just writing this thing, so bring tissues
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i felt awful for Sari (and i honestly have since i came up with the idea), but i think it's how she might have felt if she knew the entire truth about Prowl's death. i had a lot of fun with ghost Prowl, so i'm glad you liked him too.
and while that's an intertaining image, it's never going to happen. ghost Prowl's existance is a lot more...complicated than that.
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Suddenly have an image of all the Bots sitting around asking Prowl for a sign and Bee's video game spontaneously turns off. ^_^;
and while that's an intertaining image, it's never going to happen. ghost Prowl's existance is a lot more...complicated than that.
Wonderful job, though. I feel for Jazz right now.
thanks. i feel for Jazz and Sari both right now.
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