Dear Author Letter

Feb 16, 2014 18:15

hello Rare Women writer! thank you in advance for creating for me! i can't wait to see what you make, and i'm sure i'll love it!

i have some basic likes and dislikes which i will list below, and then i will break down some specifics by fandom after that. you are also welcome to click the "dear author letter" tag for my journal and read though details from past/other exchanges to get an even greater handle on what i like. ^_^

My basic likes are: damsels who are not in distress (and who are handling things fine on their own), people with flaws, unhappy endings, world building, backgrounds, character history (even made up ones that don't match canon), minor characters being given roles that matter, fluff, drama, angst, happy endings (yes, I'm a little contrary), cuddling, smut, kink, kink that doesn't end in intercourse, "slice of life" pieces, and I'm probably forgetting some stuff. If it doesn't fall onto the dislikes list, odds are very good that I'll enjoy it.

My basic dislikes are: damsels in distress (female or male, makes little difference. The DID concept bothers me because it removes a character's agency and makes them a trophy to be won at the end of the challenge.), mysteries, kinks involving body waste (scat, watersports, vomit play), SPIDERS (I have arachnophobia) needles/syringes (whatever phobia of needles/syringes is, I have it), smut/kink where one supposedly-caring partner does not respect the other's boundaries, characters who are defined only by their gender and societal gender roles rather than as PEOPLE. I also dislike characters who don't have flaws.

now specifics by fandom!

Final Fantasy IX

Garnet til Alexandros XVII--Garnet is a lovely, strong woman who decides to take destiny into her own hands and buck the conventions of her royal life to see new horizons. I would love to see some of that attitude creep into her daily life as Queen. alternately, i would love to see some inquisitive child Garnet, some slice of daily palace life (child preferred, but i won't say no to adult) or interactions between herself and any of her adventuring companions.

Freya Crescent--i've seen so very little of Freya in fiction (especially recently!) that i honestly have no strong opinions for what i would like to see. i'd take anything, as long as it doesn't hit on any of my dislike list. if you're inclined that way, i do ship her VERY hard with Sir Fratley (both before and after his amnesia)

Eiko Carol--my favorite sassy girl character! <3 i love sassy, spunky, tough girl Eiko. I love when she can't be kept down and when she manages to be an optimist when things are going to hell. i love how, even though she has all these reasons to lay down and quit, she just keeps going. i love how she's still a child despite everything. if you write Eiko for me, please remember that she is a little girl still, no matter how mature she seems. since she's a child, i ship her with no one, and do not especially care for "aged up" Eiko fic.

Beatrix (Final Fantasy IX)--i would love to see fic explaining her motivations for obeying Queen Brahne, even though those actions were clearly disastrous.

Final Fantasy X/X-2

Leblanc (Final Fantasy X-2)--she's clearly gaga for Nooj, but there has to be more to her! i'd love to see a piece exploring her relationship with her minions, her rivalry with the Gullwings or her relationship with Nooj.

Lucil (Final Fantasy X & X-2)--i would love a piece set between games where Lucil finds ways to cope with the events of FFX and sets her up to become the woman we see in FFX-2.

Yocun (Final Fantasy X)--we don't know anything at all about her, except that she was a Summoner who managed to make it to Zanarkand. explore who she is and what might have motivated her to go!


i'd love to see anything AT ALL about Angela or Princess Katharine, but you would win a special place in my heart if you explored their relationship after Angela hatched and then grew up into the woman we see in series.

Transformers (Bay movies)

Maggie Madsen--Maggie was talented and clever (and not afraid to get the job done) and then she was just... poof!gone. give me a piece that explores what happened after the first movie and what happened to Maggie.

Judy Witwicky--Sam's mom means well, but she gets in her own way. i'd love to see fic that explores her trying to do right by her son and her husband, but it not ending well or her actions being totally sabotaged by her own over-the-top nature.

Charlotte Mearing--i ended up liking Mearing despite myself. she's a woman in a "man's world" and she's striving to be harder, better and smarter than they are ALL THE TIME. i'd love a piece where she finally settled into her role with the Autobots as their equal (lalalala movie three didn't happen lalalala).

Transformers G1

all my sorrow for the fact that Carly is listed on AO3 by her married name only for G1! frankly, i hated her post-marriage/post-child season 3 characterization. i fell in love with kickass Carlene Spencer, who was a huge science nerd, an Autobot fangirl and may or may not have had a crush on Ironhide. i want to see more of that Carly, out having adventures with the Autobots, being the smartest girl in class and (if you're so inclined) having a wild and crazy inter-species relationship with Ironhide.

Final Fantasy VII

Marlene Wallace--tiny white girl, adopted by huge black man. she loves her Papa and he loves her, but what sort of struggles do they endure as a mixed-heritage family? are those struggles part of the reason she lives with Tifa and Cloud? what's it been like growing up as the child of a wanted criminal-turned-revolutionary-turned-hero?

Lucrecia Crescent--man, does this lady have some history with the Valentine family! i'd love something that compares and contrasts her relationships with Vincent and his father, Grimoire. also, i ship her with both of them (*helpless shrug*) so if you're inclined to go that route, shippy fic would be cool. :)

i'll leave anon commenting turned on, just in case you have questions for me! thank you again, author! <3

dear author letter

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