Two Business Cards, a Backstage Pass, and a Multi-Purpose Tool (Gundam Wing)

Jan 21, 2009 11:32

Fandom: Gundam Wing
Title: Two Business Cards, a Backstage Pass, and a Multi-Purpose Tool
Word Count: 4300
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Vaguely spoilery for Endless Waltz

Written for poilass for livelongnmarry. The battle continues!

Synopsis: Heero looks for a purpose in peacetime; the other pilots offer him some possibilities.

There are more important things in the universe than the regrets of weapons. )

gundam wing

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Comments 24

rilina January 22 2009, 04:41:37 UTC
EEEEEE! I don't think I have words for how much I love this. I am such a sucker for stories that ask the question, "What happens to a soldier after the war is over?" So many little moments made me grin: the Sally and Wu Fei show; Duo and all the mess and energy he brings with him; Trowa's laughter; Quatre's timing; and Heero's haste to put on the helmet Quatre threatens to test it himself. (Okay, that last bit especially made me laugh.) Everyone is so much as themselves, and there's so much affection and friendship without it being gushy or sentimental.

Now I will go rec this even though people are probably tired of having me rec all your GW fic...


rachelmanija January 22 2009, 18:08:59 UTC
Well, I'm not tired of it! ;)

Thank you again. I'm so happy it made you so happy!


rilina January 23 2009, 02:33:36 UTC
It was an excellent treat on an otherwise blah day.

(Um, I apologize for the grammatical incoherence of my first comment. I fail at proofreading.)


raceulfson January 22 2009, 04:43:32 UTC
I love the gentleness of your storytelling: how everything is so lovingly laid out for the reader to discover. I love that despite Heero's attempts at isolating himself, all the pilots knew where he was and how to reach him - and that they tried. I loved the swords to plowshares metaphor and I loved loved loved the "Anywhere you want to" part.

Mostly, I loved the choices, and that they let Heero make his own.

Thank you.


rachelmanija January 22 2009, 18:09:31 UTC
Thank you very much!


oyceter January 22 2009, 18:37:39 UTC
He hesitated. “Well… I suppose I’ll have to try it myself.”

Bwahahahaha! Oh Quatre, you are still manipulative and nice and scary all at once!

I love the Heero-voice and the topic of the fic itself, and I'm glad he's finally figuring out what to do.


rachelmanija January 23 2009, 19:12:37 UTC
Thanks! Here, have Quatre listening to outer space.


rushthatspeaks January 22 2009, 18:44:43 UTC
This was a very good read.

Of course the cat in his lap 'began to vibrate'. I am not sure Heero knows the word purr.

Of course we do not allow Quatre to test mind-altering circuitry, and of course Quatre knows that.

And I am fairly certain that a) there was a benign conspiracy to Get Heero To Fix His Life, and b) Heero may never notice there was. (Did Quatre not contact Relena about it? Her absence puzzled me slightly.)


lady_ganesh January 23 2009, 01:37:21 UTC
I still haven't finished the series, and I know she grows and changes, but I'm still not sure I'd pick Relena as the Ideal Person To Let Heero Decide What He Wants To Do On His Own, Dammit.


rachelmanija January 23 2009, 19:13:51 UTC
You caught the bit with the cat, yay!

I figured everyone figured Relena was perfectly capable of finding Heero by herself (and may well greet him at the arrival dock of wherever he ends up).


rurounitriv January 22 2009, 19:42:22 UTC
Wufei and Sally are the ultimate odd couple.

Ah, Duo, always the adrenaline junkie... and usually on the shady side of legality at that.

Trowa knows better than to try to convince Heero to run off and join the circus. But that doesn't mean he can't enjoy the show... and get out of his little hidey-hole of an apartment doing it.

Quatre is a sneaky little bastard. Heero was right, an enthusiastic Quatre tends to "precede huge changes in the lives of everyone in his vicinity". And this story gives a whole new meaning to the term "Zero System Quatre." XD


rachelmanija January 23 2009, 19:14:52 UTC
Thank you very much!


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