Little Black Notebook (Gundam Wing)

Mar 06, 2008 11:34

Fandom: Gundam Wing
Title: Little Black Notebook
Word Count: 1500
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Vaguely spoilery for Endless Waltz

Synopsis: Sally Po, headologist.

Wu Fei is much better now, just three months after the foiling of the Mariemaia coup. He takes his meds, carries out his missions, and teaches Sally Po how to fight with a sword. He’s a surprisingly patient instructor, and with his Gundam gone, their student-sifu relationship provides a healthy counterpoint for the advantages she holds over him in age, rank, medical degree, and emotional intelligence.

The words “weak” and “strong” have almost fallen out of his vocabulary, except in reference to stance and parries. Sally knows it’s a trend because she’s been tracking it in her little black notebook. So much of their job is dull surveillance, she might as well amuse herself by counting her partner’s words.

Perhaps next week, when they’ll be operating in the desert out of range of general stores, she’ll steal his hairbands and offer him one of her softer twists as a replacement, and see if his consumption of headache medication goes down.

gundam wing

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