push poll season has begun

May 10, 2007 19:17

I live in New Hampshire, land of Live Free or Die and First in the Nation. Hurray for us -- that means we get the nastiest of the nasty push polls starting a good 18 months before any primary. And it's spring, and the saps are running.

Just got the nastiest Republican-oriented push poll I've ever heard, from these guys, which was slanted in the extreme to influence votes towards heavily right-wing issues. Wish it hasn't been a robot call -- but then, this isn't about collecting data. It's about creating memes and influencing voters with talking points. They could care less what you really think. It's all about reprogramming the population. All politics uses this: it's not isolated to one side or the other, boys and girls.

But here's the question that got me the most (even beyond "Do you consider yourself pro-life?"):

"Do you think marriage between one man and one woman should be considered legal in America?"

What sort of question is that? (No, that's not a real question -- I know the answer: it's a push. It's to get you to say "yes" to something that's actually all about homophobia.)

Nasty me, I wished it had been a human being on the phone that recorded my answers, because I wanted to say, "Mitt Romney doesn't think so. He's a fundamentalist Mormon."

Ooooo. I'm bad.


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