Picnic log [OPEN]

Sep 26, 2008 17:34

Characters: Al/Fullmetal rustyarmor, OPEN to everyone
Date/Time: Saturday, September 27 (tomorrow)
Location: The park
Rating: Adorable :|
Summary: It's the picnic! With pizza, drinks (non-alcoholic for the kiddies), and talking. If you can't/don't have time to log, there's an OOC post here where you can feel free to give a short summary of what your ( Read more... )

saiyuki: sha gojyo (smoke), ~young avengers: teddy (throne), ~runaways: chase (dino), ~metalocalypse: toki (kanin), ~chrestomanci: christopher (argent), ~gundam 00: lockon (sniper), ~fma: al (fullmetal), ~tales of symphonia: zelos (chosen), ~bleach: aizen (white moon), ~young avengers: billy (want), ~ff8: selphie (lucy), ~plus anima: rose (kitty), bleach: yoruichi (bastet)

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Comments 63

ironically the mun is having pizza for dinner :D lemonshine September 27 2008, 00:20:46 UTC
Lucy couldn't agree more as she walked into the park and saw a young blonde boy stretching himself out. It had been a bit since she'd been out and around in the marketplace let alone the park as she approached the boy and tapped him on the shoulder. Arguably, she was looking much better after some much needed rest as she smiled at the boy warmly.

"Hello," she greeted. "Is this the place for the picnic?"


I've been wanting home made seafood pizza for so long, and this isn't helping ;o; rustyarmor September 27 2008, 22:12:51 UTC
Fullmetal was ecstatic that someone had arrived already. He hadn't honestly been sure how many people would attend, but he didn't really care if it was one person or one-hundred people.

"Yes! This is the place! I'm Fullmetal, nice to meet you." At this he stuck out his hand, although he wasn't sure if hand shaking was common practise for the residents of Edensphere.


HE IS SO GETTING HUGGED NOW lemonshine September 27 2008, 22:38:04 UTC
"Fullmetal...?" she blinked a couple times before the voice rang true in her ears. The voice lacked its metallic tone but it was still the same voice that she remembered. She just suddenly felt so happy as she wrapped her arms around him in what was probably going to be the most awkward event of the days. The relief just seemed to keep coming these days as she let go him quickly and beamed.

"Welcome back Fullmetal," she said cheerfully. "I'm Lucy."


"most awkward event" for sure! XDD rustyarmor September 27 2008, 23:05:48 UTC
Fullmetal wasn't sure exactly how he felt when Lucy very suddenly hugged him. His face flushed involuntarily and he felt his palms become rather sweaty. "I-I'm glad to be back!" he stammered, trying to keep the nervousness out of his voice. He was truly glad to be back, and to re-connect with the people he'd known before, but somehow he'd been a little unprepared to be hugged by a cute girl.

"H-have you ever had pizza before? I hadn't even heard about it until Dash told me what it was. It sounds good though!" He tried to smile back at Lucy, but found it to be too awkward to look at her directly. Instead he looked sideways a little, smiling nervously.


iniquiticity September 27 2008, 18:46:56 UTC
After re-gathering himself and re-settling himself into the Sphere, Reverie White Moon found himself learning to respond to his new name. It was just a matter of change. He rather liked the change.

Throne had invited him to the pizza party, and it was with more than just curiosity that he went. Dressed lightly in a pair of basic brown pants and a white shirt, he looked around at the people already there and found a comfortable place to sit under a tree.


rustyarmor September 27 2008, 22:39:04 UTC
Since the first person had arrived the group had grown to roughly the size of a dozen individuals, all roaming about and chatting with each other. Fullmetal had just finished introducing himself to two new arrivals when he noticed a man casually wander over to a shady patch under one of the many trees. He wasn't sure if the man had come to the park knowing about the picnic, or if he was just a passerby, but Fullmetal figured it couldn't hurt to invite him over.

He made his way over to the man, stopping only a few feet away. "Hello! I'm not sure if you saw my journal entry or not, but we're having a picnic. You can come over if you'd like!"


iniquiticity September 28 2008, 21:18:26 UTC
Musing, White Moon was a little startled when he'd heard a voice suddenly shout out and interrupt his trail of thought. Glancing over to where the blonde boy stood, he smiled and stood up, nodding. "I did, and I came to try out this pizza - after all, people have told me it's very good and I don't ever remember having any." He walked over to the boy and gave him a welcoming nod. "Are you the leader of the picnicers?"


rustyarmor September 29 2008, 00:12:53 UTC
"Oh, yes! I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Fullmetal, nice to meet you!" He nodded back to the stranger, smiling good-naturedly. "Kitty is preparing the pizza's for everyone. They should be here soon, I think. You can come over to the tables, if you'd like?"


Volunteers helping to make and deliver the pizzas to the spot can come here, methinks. <3 saleskitten September 27 2008, 19:27:57 UTC
Kitty was busy dusting herself off of excess flour, blowing out a sigh as the pizzas were reaching their final ten minutes of baking and sat quietly in the kitchen and to herself. To protect her outfit, she decided on an apron that had a little splotch of tomato sauce here and there. Most of the ingredients were kindly donated to the cause of informing the masses, she assumed, though she'd never had pizza herself.

It was within fifteen minutes that she and everyone else helping out were traying up the pizzas getting them out into the park, setting them at the many arranged tables and wondering why the heck she'd never had stuff like this before...


booooooze hunny_sensor September 27 2008, 19:33:07 UTC
Chosen descended, carried by the fiery wings of light, and set a large cooler upon one of the tables before dusting off his hands. Upon taking a moment to flip his hair so it fell into place just right, blue eyes alit with amusement as he looked over the arrangements and laughed. So that's where he went wrong with the pizza; they were FLAT and round, not balls of dough you throw tomato and cheese on.

"Someone could have told me!" The faux angel crowed, patting the cooler before him before opening the thing up. It was filled with the drinks that were totally not for the kiddies. To complete the set, he unshouldered a plastic bag of a very large trio of sake bottles and cups, setting that next to the cooler.

"Oh well. Drinks are on!"


yay booze \o/ felinemystique September 27 2008, 20:48:24 UTC
Bastet arrived at the Park, having finished checking on things at the Marketplace. Given that the clothing stall was such a necessity for many inhabitants of the Sphere, particularly with all the new arrivals, rebuilding it had been made a priority. It would still be another few days before it was done, but they already had plenty of stock for when it reopened.

Kitty looked to be busy arranging things, and Bastet made a note to stop by and say hi to her later. She grinned when she saw Chosen preparing a table--after his entry in the journal the day before, she had a pretty good guess what was in all those bottles.

"Hey, Chosen," she called as she approached. "What do you have there?"


Catch flies with honey, but catch Bastets with wine. hunny_sensor September 28 2008, 03:09:52 UTC
He couldn't help but grin from ear to ear when he recognized the voice. The redhead had that funny feeling that his arriving with the drinks would basically bring the older residents out of the woodwork. He grabbed a can from the cooler and gave it a toss her way.

"A little bit of everything, Little Amazon! I wasn't about to get some dishwater to go with this pizza, so I made sure to get some top-of-the-line stuff."


felinemystique September 28 2008, 03:26:33 UTC
Bastet caught the can easily in one hand, glancing down at it. "Beer? I'll give it a try," she said, taking a seat across from Chosen. She didn't actually know if she liked beer, but there was only one way to find out. "Thanks, Chosen. And thanks for bringing all this. Was it hard to gather everything?"


fistyguns September 27 2008, 21:22:00 UTC
Dino ran, he ran as fast as he could. The desperation, the anxiety, the hope all urging him on. If he stopped to think about it, tears might well-up in his eyes. His mouth was dry and his stomach churned.

"Pizza," he said, his voice a whisper, cracking. He could hardly believe what he read, when he say what had appeared in his journal. A pizza picnic, it hit him in the face, something that he should have remembered but didn't. Just looking at the words, he could smell and taste it already.

Through the trees he could see a boy standing, PIZZA he thought and began running in the boy's direction. Dino tripped, and at the speed he was going, he slid along the ground until he was at the kid's feet.

His face and clothes covered in dirt, Dino rolled onto his back and looked up at the boy. "Pizza?" he said weakly.


rustyarmor September 27 2008, 22:44:38 UTC
Fullmetal could only stare in shocked amusement as a complete stranger slid, quite literally, up to his feet, then proceeded to roll over and simply say 'pizza'. Thankfully Dash had already explained the difference between the terms 'dude' and 'pizza', otherwise Fullmetal would have easily mistaken the utterance for a form of greeting or endearment.

He laughed a little at the stranger as he stepped around to help him up. "Yeah, we've got pizza, so don't worry. I'm Fullmetal, nice to meet you! Kitty and her helpers worked really hard on the pizzas, so you'll definitely like them!"


fistyguns September 28 2008, 01:15:23 UTC
Dino wiped the dirt from his face and most of it off his clothes, then held a hand out in greeting, "I'm Dino," he said, then realizing that his hands were rather dirty he dropped them to his said then shrugged apologeticly.

"This is so sweet, I mean like I remember pizza, but I don't. I'm so totally stoked." Dino said, grinning and rubbing his hands together. "So, when does it arrive? Where is it?"


saleskitten September 28 2008, 19:26:44 UTC
And that was when Dino's savior arrived with a tray of the good stuff. Her flour-doused apron dusted off with her free hand as she gave him a smile and a light courtsy, balancing the tray on a hand.

"Right here! Take as much as you need, okay? We made a lot!"


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