moe_rapier &
hisbutler_boundDate/Time: January 1st, lunch time
Location: Wilderness, Crystal Caves of Dantooine
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Locket won Black in the auction and proposed lunch and tea. Little did he expect he'd be accompanying her on a trip through a cave with beautiful crystals.
I didn't quite expect it to be this )
Comments 6
"I-I really appreciate you coming out here with me like this. It appears to be safe here thus far, but I'll keep my radar on just in case." And just like that, her hand slipped to an aural unit at one side of her head - a force of habit - as she fired on the program. Ah, there was her team... they were rather far out, so they probably wouldn't be disturbed.
...And that was when she noticed he was looking at her, and we mean looking. After a moment of hesitation and an audible clearing of her throat- was there something stuck to her shirt, her pants, wh-what?- she continued.
"It has been a while, though. How have you been?"
"As you wish." He was watching her to be sure, his eyes never quite leaving her and her form. He remained upon her hands for a sort while, watching it move near her head. Was she turning something on, or using something within? Or was it just a gesture?
His head rose when he was questioned, debating asking something personal, but decided against it. "I am fine. Things have been quite normal besides our recent activity. Rise. Go to work, and so forth. How have you been?"
She paused upon entering a small chamber dotted with pathways further inside the cavern, a burst of color and light filling the room thanks to the large crystals that grew from the ground and ceiling. Though her sensors denoted something peculiar about the crystals, they could not determine exactly what.
"What do you make of those, Black? Something about them feels important."
So many ways in. Black could spend quite a bit of time down her later trying to map out each and every way in and out. Though as usual if he didn't take someone with him, he would not be able to find the elevator. Perhaps a map was out of the question.
"I can sense nothing but energy. Perhaps they are important."
"I think here should be all right. The crystals add a great light to the chamber, don't you think?" Oh, but she wondered if they had any sort of use! They looked so much like the memory crystals, glowing in different colors and far larger than what she was accustomed to. Curiously, she reached out to grasp a cluster of violet that grew nearest to her... to her disappointment, nothing happened, though they felt very warm, almost alive in her hands. She stood once more, aiming to assist Black in the set-up.
"Yes, it would prove most useful." He watched her grasp it, shoulders heightened for any reaction and was also disappointed nothing happened. By the time Locket turned back around, he already had the blanket set down on the ground and already in a seat, unwrapped the trays and was already moving them out in various places.
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