[BACKDATED] we're all so sure we're not like all the rest

Aug 19, 2008 16:26

Characters: Teddy/Throne (child_proteus) and Billy/Want (unlostsoul)
Date/Time: BACKDATED. August 5th, approximately 8:30PM.
Location: The access point and then back to Want and Drake's house
Rating: PG-13 for the usual boy/boy hijinx
Summary: Dinner. Cards. Earthquake. Hulk. You'd think they'd've gotten used to how nothing ever goes as planned around here.

the only faith we have is weak at best )

~young avengers: billy (want), ~young avengers: teddy (throne)

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Comments 36

child_proteus August 19 2008, 21:06:01 UTC
Throne laughs as Want trots off and away from him, managing something very close to a scamper. “Oi,” he calls after him, reaching forward to grab a handful of shirt, but ultimately missing. Instead, he gets a fist full of air, fingertips barely grazing along Want’s back; he has half a mind to spring forward and play catch-up but Throne’s body is heavy and his muscles are sluggish - but not in a bad way. Somewhere between the restaurant and here, his stomach called trumps on his circulatory system and by now, it’s hogging most of Throne’s operating power to digest digest digest. So instead rushing after Want, he continues to saunter on lazily, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans and lifting his head slightly upwards as if he were to start whistling a jaunty tune ( ... )


unlostsoul August 19 2008, 21:08:56 UTC
Want snorts softly, crinkling his nose. "Tapeworm, ew," he says in a voice that seems to be permanently laughing. He can feel his ears growing hot again as Throne leans over him, but his smile widens anyway, because that? That isn't such a big deal anymore. Throne makes him blush, and they both know it, so there's no need to worry about it giving him away or making things complicated. Although, he does feel a flutter of nerves, his stomach twisting in a way that is almost hungry, as Throne's eyes pass over his mouth ( ... )


child_proteus August 19 2008, 21:13:10 UTC
A week ago, this wouldn’t be happening, at least nowhere outside of Throne’s head - just another deleted scene, a daily submission to Throne’s favorite game of ‘Wouldn’t it be nice if…?’ Because Want is so close and so obviously pleased, so obvious - in fact - that it makes parts of Throne ache in a delicious way that he can tell shows slightly on his face. “I’m not going to even dignify that with a comment,” he says completely missing the indignant mark and landing smack dab in the middle of affectionate all over again ( ... )


unlostsoul August 19 2008, 21:16:31 UTC
He's getting to the point where Want can see this coming now. Since the night they finally got things sort of settled between them -- and was that seriously less than week ago? sometimes it feels like whole blissful years -- it's not like this has become such a regular thing. But each time they've kissed is imprinted in Want's mind, in full, glorious, 3D detail, so he's starting to recognize a pattern in the way Throne's eyes darken without actually changing colour, still that literally-breathtakingly clear blue but somehow deeper and heavier with intent. When Throne leans in to kiss him a second time, properly, Want is ready and catches his face in both hands and kisses back, rough and hard and really awkwardly at first as his body pipes up with its usual list of demands. But even it can't really compete with the heat and the deeply satisfied feeling in Want's stomach, and he eventually finds himself slowing down, pulling Throne along with him until they hit a pace that is softer and almost languid, lips brushing and spreading and ( ... )


unlostsoul August 26 2008, 16:33:35 UTC
Want makes a point of kicking Throne as he slides off the couch, closing up his fan of cards as he goes. He puts them face down on the table with care, giving Throne an over-the-shoulder glance that says don't you dare peek, even though their game is sort of toppled and mixed up, thank you, Throne. He makes a noise at Diva while he's still semi-bent over and waves her towards the kitchen, in case she's ready for dinner, but she still seems content under the table, so he gives up and goes to get two Cokes from the fridge ( ... )


child_proteus August 27 2008, 01:02:50 UTC
There are moments in life where thought isn’t necessary - things happen and the body understands. Or perhaps understands isn’t the right word, perhaps reacts would be better; and then, sometime after the fact, the body understands, and maybe the mind follows. If posed with a question to list some examples this, Throne thinks he’d be able to think of several good answers. Things like knowing to pull away from a hot stove, scrambling through water to keep from drowning, maybe something so simple as riding a bike, perhaps moaning, kissing Want.

So when the ground and the walls and the ceiling above them start to shudder like the world is about to end, Throne’s body flares into overdrive, true thought receding from him now so that all he can manage to think are single words and the occasional declarative sentence.

Want.Is the first thing he thinks - a thought so bright it almost eclipses his senses. The details of the world grow soft in their focus, while some of them fall away all together and before Throne knows it, he’s closing ( ... )


child_proteus August 27 2008, 01:03:34 UTC

Times passes - though not very much - and the world continues to shiver and shake, but eventually that starts to recede before suddenly abruptly stopping. When the world stills, Throne exhales sharply, as if the entire time he’s been holding is breath, which may or may not be true. A tiny aftershock then ripples through the apartment, jingling broken glass in the sink and on the floor, and Throne hunches his shoulders - why suddenly so heavy - in anticipation of it starting again.


unlostsoul August 27 2008, 01:13:05 UTC
Want isn't entirely sure what's happening until it's already been happening for a few seconds. He feels himself get pulled back and pushed down and then Throne's bunched over top of him. He knows that part clearly; Throne's a big arch around him, his stomach flat against Want's spine, shielding him from whatever's crashing down from above. Want's palms land flat on the ground, and he can feel the way it almost seems to convulse under his fingers. Throne grunts as something hits him, Want can hear it and feel it, even if some how he's shifted to cover Want more completely; Want didn't feel him shift at all, but there's suddenly a little more room between their bodies. He winces in a pang of sympathy and frustration, his fingers curling into the ground. Underneath the twisting, disoriented panic, he can feel that he's safe right now. It's a deep-down, unshakable feeling, and it keeps him breathing, keeps him focused as he wishes and wishes for Throne to be okay, for both of them to be okay. And everything seems to sort of run together, ( ... )


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