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Sep 29, 2010 22:53

Characters: Hawk (crimson_seeker) and Huo (getsome_sleep
Date/Time: Backdated to September 25th.
Location: Huo's home
Rating: PG
Summary: Hawk has a pet symbolic emperor. Huo is very sleep-deprived. Ancient Chinese hilarity ensues.

The world was slightly tilted on one axis and had been that way since - was it morning? Huo had to confess that he'd somehow lost track. He had a clear idea of soom, though, still, and soon was when Hawk was going to be there. Perhaps with his new companion in tow. And Huo was going to have a very interesting whatever-time-of-day-it-was.

In what little time he had, he made an effort at tidying up both the small house - he had very few major possessions, but very many pieces of paper and empty ink bottles - and himself. There was only so presentable one could be when he was five days away from his last full meal, seven away from sleeping more than two hours, and running a low fever, but one had certain responsibilities to guests. He'd brought this on himself, anyhow.

And it was worth it, too. Oh, yes. Every minute.

But Hawk was coming to speak of something more important than Huo's working habits, anyway, and that was the difficult part. He'd stacked the papers away, arranged a comfortable seat for his injured friend, and made tea; he couldn't begin to guess what else he was to do, to welcome a dragon into the house, even one only as long as a man's arm. A very interesting day indeed.

red cliff: kongming (huo), !complete, tenryu: kouei (hawk)*

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