Characters: Christopher/Argent (
twoninths) and Itachi/Crow (
Date/Time: BACKDATED. August 7, morning
Location: Crow's house, Sector Two.
Rating: PG
Summary: Argent hasn't heard from Crow and goes to make sure he's all right. Short version? He isn't.
Even a day and a half later, Argent was still rather surprised by the amount of destruction about the 'sphere. Though nothing he had seen yet seemed entirely collapsed, most homes still looked worse for the wear, and there were piles of broken objects outside many doors, spilling into the streets. Argent picked his way carefully through all this as he made his way to Crow's home.
By now, he had been able to ascertain that most of the people he cared about were all right, but Crow had thus far been silent and while Argent wasn't the sort to worry overly or to pry, it was also not a great hardship to come by and check in. He was feeling rather better now than he had. Two large -- for him -- sleeps later, he felt mostly refreshed and normal, though there was a low-grade stomach ache churning, proof that someone or multiple someones were still up to something somewhere out there.
He almost walked past Crow's house in the end, having only been there the once, but he caught himself at the last moment and turned to walk up to the door, knocking on it politely and calling out once, in case it made a difference, "Crow? Are you in?"