Characters: Cookie (freakin' Bowser) and Krile (awesome dragon thing)
Date/Time: Thursday night, near midnight
Location: the park, Captain Planet
Rating: PG for awesome dragon combat, derp, and possible forms of defenestration
Summary: In Cookie's last stop of epic destruction, Krile intervenes for a battle of awesome proportions.
and so they fought like two epic dragons, one graceful, the other one Bowser )
Comments 12
Unable to sleep and not happy with the nighttime chill, she'd decided to fly around the Sphere for a while to get tired before returning to her rooftop. And then maybe she'd wake up with arms and legs tomorrow, and just crawl through a window to have breakfast with Sailormoon.
Those thoughts were derailed when she caught sight of a bright flame beneath her. Krile banked instantly, landing in the Park ungracefully but safely. It looked like a giant reptile monster of some sort rampaging around--without thinking, she let out a cry and flapped towards it, aiming to tackle it before it could set anything else on fire.
But to his surprise, as he turned, he found something much larger. A dragon? Well whatever it was, it wasn't as cool as he was and it was about to go down.
Well right after this.
He recoiled into his shell, taking the impact of the attack with ease. It was a hard, rather spiky shell and had proven effective to most attacks thus far.
Well, no use complaining about it, and no time to waste on thoughts like that either. Whacking the shell with her claws didn't seem to have any effect, not that she'd expected it to... she backed up a step and stayed in a defensive posture, watching. If it wanted to attack her it would have to come out of its shell.
So with a quick pop, he returned to his normal standing, letting out a rather mighty snarl, then inhaling deeply before letting out a huge breath of fire at the creature which stood before him. Taunting would have to wait.
Human instincts and dragon muscles warred for a moment--the most sensible thing would be to use that mouthful of sharp teeth she had, but the thought of biting a monster just seemed so strange that she lashed out with her claws instead, trying to score his face or body.
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