The LATE Golden Skating Bling-Bling Technique Showcase Special Olympics!

Jul 30, 2008 13:28

Characters: Boss bossinthegrass and OPEN!
Date/Time: July 30, afternoon
Location: The Wilderness (currently a skate park!)
Rating: TBD
Summary: Poor Boss, still trapped in the Wilderness, bears witness to ... well, anyone willing to participate in wicked-mad skate stunts for cash and memory crystals before time runs out!

With darkness and silence through the night~ )

~naruto: kakashi (sight), ~bleach: aizen (white moon), ~ff8: selphie (lucy), ~metal gear solid: naked snake (boss), ~naruto: itachi (crow), ~gundam 00: patrick (taisa)

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Comments 21

aceoftheaeu July 30 2008, 21:27:01 UTC

The voice was slightly muffled as a large, golden piece of metal fell from somewhere, landing on the ground with a thud. The golden suit lay on its stomach on the ground, before the skateboard he had been handed and was trying to get the hang of fell from it's flight path to land on the suit's back and bounce easily to the floor.

Taisa sniffled. This wasn't fun. He wanted to go back to floating free and conquering the lack of gravity and.. and...

"Taaaiii~~~saaaa~" he whined quietly, trying to get up in the bulky suit. He didn't know why he thought whining out his own name would solve anything. It must have been someone else's name. After all, he felt.. safer when he whined it. Or something.

The suit bent over, as though trying to view through the thin visor, arms flailing as it looked for the skateboard once again. "Je ne rigole pas..." He mumbled to himself in angry French, quickly degenerating into what was probably curse words.


saleskitten July 31 2008, 19:21:57 UTC
Well, she recognized the funny language and the yell of 'Taisa', so when she went into The Wilderness and found him in a predicament, she decided to help.

The +Anima gathered up the second skateboard in her bling-bling-suited glory, and approached him to hand the thing over.

"Gotta get back on the horse, no matter how many times you fall off, Taisa!" She chirped, then inwardly winced at how corny that must have sounded.

Picking up another skateboard for herself, she held it under an arm the best she could in the chunky suit.

"Let's have some fun, okay?"


aceoftheaeu August 1 2008, 14:23:23 UTC
"A-Ah?!" He took the skateboard in the chunk hands, nodding- though the gesture was invisible through the suit. He recognized the girls' voice!~ "A-Ha! Ah Oui, I was just... Just... Learning how to maneuver on this.. this thing." He frowned at it- also a useless gesture through the suit.

"Yes, let us have fun!" 'If only it weren't for this large suit!' he lamented on the inside. Then he would be able to traverse this course and perhaps give the woman some private tutoring for it... If he knew how to use a skateboard. He was sure he would. It couldn't be any different from a chocobo, right?

He made his way back to the small bowl-area to practice in, setting down the board. "This time, I shall conquer it!" he proclaimed, not really to anyone in particular, but anyone who would listen. Placing his foot on the skateboard, resting on the edge, he looked over to Kitty. "I swear to it, that I---"

He was cut off as his balance shifted and the skateboard took off down the curve, his arms windmilling as he fought to stay on top of it this


saleskitten August 3 2008, 06:49:25 UTC
"... Oh, no! Taisa!!" She stiffened when he went down, arms pinwheeling. She had an idea to use the super agility of her cat-like form, but the suit would only stifle the ability.

Her face flushed in panic, she called after him, and hopped on her own skateboard before she knew it. The poor guy could break something, you know?

... It happened anyway. Her entire body felt like coiled liquid steel ready to spring, and the edge of the bling-bling gloves became claws. She hunched to increase her speed and passed him. Before she knew it, she was on the opposite side of the curve. While in the air, she grabbed the nose of the board and pulled it out from under her, landing upon the opposing edge on one foot.

Blink. She shook her head, and tossed the board aside, holding out her arms.

"Increase your speed and put your left foot further up! You can do it! I'll catch you!"


lemonshine July 31 2008, 03:12:34 UTC
When Lucy popped out from the elevator for her first voyage into the wilderness, she was both exilerated at the thought of an adventure and concerned about getting lost. If the whisperings were true about this place, it didn't take long for someone to get lost in it. There were skateboards littering the concrete and what looked like weird sculptures. She didn't know they were for jumping as a glimmer of gold caught her eye. Spinning quickly into an unending corkscrew, the brunette noticed a spacesuit!

Perhaps she could get her hands on a crystal or some more money. There were things that needed doing in her life and they required money. However, the corkscrew motion was doing nothing more than making her nauseous instead of taking over to the spacesuit. How much longer is this going to last? she thought irritably as a skateboard flew past her on the ground.

"How come the skateboards get to stay on the ground but we don't?" she shouted. "It's not fair!"


moonlit_mirage July 31 2008, 03:32:05 UTC
“Nothing in this place seems to adhere to either logic or a sense of fairness.” A tall, pale young man stepped out of the elevator behind Lucy. He had glasses, eerily filmed over eyes, and long black hair pulled into a pony-tail. Aside from the strange look of his eyes, he was rather pretty.

And he was also walking. Along the ground. His hair was floating, but he himself was strolling along as if gravity’s vacation hardly affected him. “Are you Lucy-san?” He asked quietly, politely. “I apologize if you are not. I am Crow.” He bowed as he introduced himself, overly serious and formal for someone so young.


lemonshine July 31 2008, 03:40:39 UTC
The voice wasn't familiar at all, however the name was. She grinned excitedly before reaching out to grab his arm. Thankfully she quit spinning at that point as she shook her brown hair out of her face. "I'm Lucy, it's nice to finally meet you Crow," she beamed at the ninja. She hadn't quite expected to meet him so soon but at least now the brunette wouldn't have to worry about getting lost.

"Thanks for coming Crow, I really appreciate it," she said gratefully with a deep nod of her chin. "Now let's see if I can do that trick I was trying to do before my spacesuit disappeared."


moonlit_mirage July 31 2008, 04:06:16 UTC
Crow watched as the girl attached herself to his arm, walked forward to bring her to one of the suits without comment on the fact that a nearly completely stranger was sort of using him for a ride. “I am pleased to meet you, Lucy-san.”

He nudged a skateboard aside gently as he stopped next to one of the suits. “I will be cheering from the sidelines I suppose. We should keep track of where we are. Getting lost would be inadvisable.”


iniquiticity July 31 2008, 07:08:37 UTC
The idea of getting a memory crystal so easily had finally tempted Reverie into the suit. He liked floating quite a bit, and liked his slight clothes, and the thought of being pinned to the ground earlier than he had to be, plus the "bling bling" of the suit was absolutely and totally horrifying and disgusting.

Even so, here he was. The idea of the skateboard was relatively simple, and it was simply a matter of understanding how to push it up and down or how to push himself the correct way to make him do a "trick." To be honest, he had no idea what qualified as a trick, and was really concentrating on just trying to stay on top of the skateboard when it went up and down the sloped sides of the skatepark.

The comforting thing was, however, is that no one would know who he was. The suit hid him entirely.


shouldve_didnt July 31 2008, 13:28:35 UTC
It was actually really funny how Sight hadn't the slightest idea that there was some kind of 'Olympics' that basically added the suit, a skateboard, and tricks in the skatepark. And for all that the suit was fairly unappealing... well, it couldn't hurt to try, right?

So with that, Sight had crammed himself into one of those miserable suits... and found that Bastet wasn't lying when she said it was much more liberating to be floating about. It wasn't made for the ladies? He doubted it was even made for men! And the slit for eyes was still rather difficult to see from. It was amazing how much that thing obscured vision.

But the one thing about these suits was that it wasn't hard to miss someone wearing one. A flash of gold as Reverie passed by, but it wasn't like Sight knew that. Instead, he somehow managed to grab one of the boards and was starting to give this idea a try--he just wanted to ride the darn thing, and hopefully he'd be able to do more with it as he learned some control over it.


iniquiticity July 31 2008, 16:38:06 UTC
It was satisfying to know that he was not the only one in an ugly suit with a skateboard, though he could not in a million years tell who had joined him. The only person he ruled out immediately was Trust, who would be telling him off or attempting to sabotage him, and despite the situation and how uncomfortable the suit was, he smiled at the thought. he sincerely hoped that his utter lack of peripheral vision would not cause him to crash into the other suited person some time in the near future ( ... )


shouldve_didnt August 1 2008, 02:05:36 UTC
For as ridiculous as it was to maneuver in these suits, Sight was beginning to pick up rather easily. He didn't really show anyone, but he'd also learned how to run up and down walls by concentrating just a little bit--not that he'd figured out how or why it happened, but after a while, he just knew. Similarly, it was becoming easy to figure out how to work things out, even when crammed into a suit. Considering how most of his face was usually covered, leaving the strain on his one black eye, he wasn't really worried about actually seeing where he was going. Sight figured that if he'd just... feel it if he picked up speed ( ... )


horned_lilium August 3 2008, 06:54:00 UTC
Well, Lily didn't know much about skateboards. All she knew was that there were declines to slide down, and these weird things had wheels to help with descent.

The diclonius decided that, instead of doing tricks, she would sit on the boards and ride down the middle, clapping in sheer joy to herself as she did. Sure, she bumped into walls and giggled like a child, the sounds muffled in the helm of her suit, but she enjoyed herself nonetheless.

Olympics Schmolympics! These were just funny slides!


flenceburgsbest August 3 2008, 06:56:55 UTC
Well, someone had been practicing. While he had the balance part down, he just couldn't understand the point of some of the tricks he'd seen others do.

Instead, he chose to grind rails. When he reached the end of the rails, he would seemingly fall into the concrete in a shower of golden ether sparks, and re-materialize on a completely different one some distance away. His current record was a solid thirty-second rail grind...

He'd beat that, damn it.


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