
Apr 26, 2009 13:59

Characters: MANY PEOPLE! To begin with, though, Spike (blue_shields) and Stoneface (stonyfaced). I'm assuming other guards have free reign too. 8Db
Date/Time: April 25th/Late afternoon
Location: The murder scene of Fallen, East and Soul
Rating: PG-13 for gore and probable swearing.
Summary: After Hybrid found the corpses of Fallen, East and Soul, Stoneface and Spike ( Read more... )

~hp: harry (prongs), ~power rangers: jack (ghost), power rangers: sky (spike), ~breath of fire 4: ryu (tatsu), discworld: vimes (stoneface), bleach: yoruichi (bastet)

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Comments 30

INTRO/ENTERING THE SCENE stonyfaced April 26 2009, 23:52:19 UTC
stonyfaced April 27 2009, 00:02:41 UTC
After managing not to spill his innards out on the already messy floor, Stoneface turned gingerly around to look upon the scene. Shakily, he drew a cigar from out of his pocket and lit it, comforted by the familiar action.

On one bloodstained wall, the one furthest away from him, he noted a small handprint. It probably belonged to the poor girl that stumbled onto the scene; no body belonging to a hand that small could cause this much destruction. He puffed on the cigar, the odour of it barely covering up the stench pervading the room, and stared at the door. After looking at the journal, he had seen more responses. More guards would be coming.

Then they'd deal with this mess. Until then, he'd keep an eye around the scene, make sure nobody else came in. If there was one thing they didn't need on top of this--this monstrosity, it was mass hysteria.


blue_shields April 27 2009, 00:14:51 UTC
Spike arrived shortly after Stoneface did and stepped inside the teapot house; feeling weak in the knees, he took one look inside, surveyed the damage, and had to look away.

He had been hoping against hope, praying as hard as he could that it wasn't true, that his friends weren't gone, murdered... but there they were. All of their corpses, mutilated, defaced. He let out a strangled cry and then, unable to stop himself, he staggered outside, off the main path, and leaned over and vomited.

"No..." he whispered when he was finished. "No... it's not true... it can't be..." Wiping his mouth off, he went back inside with a visible effort approached Stoneface, trying hard to regain his composure. "It's really them," was all he could say. "Fallen, Soul, and East... they're all..."


felinemystique April 27 2009, 02:46:51 UTC
Bastet hadn't bothered to respond to Hybrid's entry, instead immediately leaving for the scene. There was no telling how long the entry had been there; hopefully she wasn't too late.

She concentrated--there. She leaped into the air, heading towards the crowd of people she sensed gathering. Jumping down from a higher branch, she landed between the house and the growing crowd.

"Get back, please," she said calmly. The words were polite, but her bearing showed she had every intention of making sure her orders were obeyed.

Spike and Stoneface were already outside; both men looked shaken, and she schooled her face to impassivity. The situation was clearly bad enough; they would need her to be calm.

"Spike, Stoneface," she said, crossing her arms over her chest. "Report."


CROWD CONTROL/ONLOOKERS stonyfaced April 26 2009, 23:52:33 UTC
there are we happy ES chat? redrobinhood April 27 2009, 01:17:09 UTC
Wake up, wake up, wake up!

He ran all the way to section three mentally chanting.

This is a dream, it has to--Just wake up now DAMNIT!

Everything seemed to blur together as he ran, familiar landmarks becoming unfamiliar blobs in his vision, the only thing crystal clear in his mind was this image he had of Fallen. Fallen with is semi messy dark hair, brilliant eyes, smiling his devilish smile when they'd ganged up on East, daring the polite, shy young man to try a beer--

"Still, whatcha want, Cozy? And no, don't say 'tea'. Beer first, them's the rules of the bar."

In the distance, he could see the teapot house, same as always, tartan curtains barely visible. It looked so normal--maybe Hybrid was wrong, wrong address, wrong--

Spike. He saw Spike throw himself outside, curled over, gagging. Anguish so plainly visible in his form.

SPECIAL.He slowed down because it felt like time was slowing down. Because the bottom dropped out of him and he wasn't. Moving. No. He was panting, one hand on his knee, one hand on his mouth to ( ... )


blue_shields April 28 2009, 02:28:15 UTC
After Bastet had set up the barrier to keep the crowd out, Spike took the opportunity to address Ghost, and got up as close to him as he could.

"Stay away," he said pleadingly. "Please, Ghost, stay away. Nobody should have to see what's happened here. If you see Prongs, keep him away from here no matter what, alright? Blood, too... and Bridge... Lucy, and Kanin and Alexi- just- keep everyone away."


Re: CROWD CONTROL/ONLOOKERS silver_antlers April 28 2009, 03:02:04 UTC
As soon as he read Hybrid's news, Prongs set off for the teapot house. He couldn't think, barely could pay attention to where he was stepping- all he could picture were there three faces. Fallen and East smiling together in his mind, Soul beaming down at him. Maybe it wasn't true. Maybe Hybrid was lying just to get a rise out of everyone. It was a cruel joke, but when he got there and saw that really the three of them were ok, everyone would just laugh it off and go about life as normal.

But no, who would joke about that? Fallen would be furious for one thing. Disappearances were not something he took lightly, as the two of them searched Edensphere high and low looking for missing people. Fallen would never be so heartless.

So in the end this must be a mistake. It was three other people who were murdered, not Fallen, East and Soul. Sure, it was still a terrible thing to happen, but please, please let it be anyone else but those three. The residents of the Teapot House, the people who meant so much to him, the ones who were closest ( ... )


ANYTHING ELSE? stonyfaced April 26 2009, 23:56:32 UTC

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