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Comments 41

BLUE TEAM! /o/ inthecenterfold November 19 2008, 01:01:34 UTC
Smoke had spent the early afternoon looking for patrons to get prizes for the Mahjongg Tournament, but that didn't mean he was going to ignore the strange outfit he was in. Emblazoned in blue and equipped with a gun, he had gone out to look for others in his similar situation.



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The streets near Luxor, there, happy? 8| *glares at sis* inthecenterfold November 19 2008, 01:17:45 UTC
Smoke just about had a heart attack as the paint-bullet went zooming past him.

"Aren't you even like... aiming or ANYTHING? Geez, it won't just hit what you want if you don't even point it in the right direction!" The redhead moved up near Trust so that there really wasn't a chance he could hit Smoke anymore. "You never fired a gun before?"


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MYSTERIOUS LONE TARGET IN GREY SUIT - hiding near CAESAR'S PALACE fugue_angel November 19 2008, 01:18:33 UTC
Just. his. luck. He HAD to wake up and find himself jammed into this stupid suit--which meant he'd be made a spectacle of in the most recent event: paintball. At close range, those things hurt, so he wasn't looking forward to being shot at. Thankfully he managed to find Iris, hold her at gunpoint, and force her to take shift while he ran off to hide somewhere.

And hide he did, for he most certainly was NOT looking forward to being creamed for this. But something told him that he'd suffer the entirety of it.


inthecenterfold November 19 2008, 03:14:24 UTC
[[OOC: Bumbling in from up here! ♥ Let me know in chat if it doesn't work and I'll edit :D ]]

"OIOIOIOIOIIIIIII!" Smoke shrieked as he tried to get his balance back, but had unintentionally kept a very tight grip on the gun due to being so freaked out. Even though he'd seen such a gun in use - couldn't remember it of course - he'd never actually fired one, so it was still a much different experience from his chain, which he could normally control mentally.

And as dark as it was out, small wonder that Smoke stumbling backwards would bump into someone looking in the opposite direction to be hit.


ENTER THE RED RANGER! redrobinhood November 19 2008, 05:24:39 UTC
Ghost came skidding down the hallway, running from blue paintballs and cackling like a mad man. He was having the time of his life gunning people down for money and abusing his ability to phase between walls and paintballs. It was a game he could really get behind. And the best part? He was on the RED team!! BEST COLOR EVER!!!

Plus it turned out he was an excellent shot. The paintball guns felt familiar in his hands--of course if he really was a cop like Spike thought he was, that made sense. He saw a flash of BLUE and heard the shriek coming from ahead of him so he turned and made a shot.


you are being STALKED sir kanin_gitarist November 19 2008, 05:32:53 UTC
Kanin was following Ghost, though he was trying to be sneaky about it. The way he figured, Ghost could only dodge things he saw coming...

So if he didn't see Kanin and his yellow paintballs coming, then, well.

He watched Ghost turn a corner and shoot into a fray before he hit his friend from behind. 1, 2, 3. Knees, back, head.



??? Team - Four Queens Hotel mitochondriaaya November 19 2008, 01:19:59 UTC
This wasn't the gun she'd come down here with. It didn't fire the same stuff either. Melissa thought the gun made a funny sound when she fired it, sending off a splotch of paint that hit a distant wall.

She opened up the canister to see just what this ammunition was... taking a ball and squeezing it. It didn't just explode in her hand like it had the wall though...


kyuubism November 21 2008, 01:28:37 UTC
Sasuke had been running by before spotting that one blonde lady who sang and set a whole bunch of people on fire. Well, he wasn't all too concerned and didn't even think about her skills--he simply ran by laughing, unloading red balls of paint at the woman while making his getaway.


mitochondriaaya November 21 2008, 16:05:00 UTC
Melissa was still inspecting the paintball when someone came giggling by. Two balls went whizzing past her head as a third caught her shoulder. With frightening speed Melissa had her gun ready and returned fire, instinctively aiming for the person's head, without realizing at first, this was part of the game.


kyuubism November 21 2008, 21:54:29 UTC
[ooc: I don't wanna be near the cops in YOUR neighborhood. Last time I checked against reality, cops aim to for injury to take you into custody.]

Two shots pegged him in the head; okay, that hurt more than expected. Deciding that shooting was preventing his escape, he lowered the gun and blitzed out, searching for more people to pelt with paintballs.


Because let's face it, little sisters have to be BRATS. >D lemonshine November 19 2008, 02:21:41 UTC
So shooting from a long distance wasn't her best skill. Sneaking up on people seemed to be something else entirely. She walked on the balls of her feet, landing lightly on her heels. Lucy walked as silently as possible, hoping that Chosen or anyone else on the opposing teams wouldn't hear her coming. The perky brunette was going to enjoy this. Especially if she got to wail on some of her friends.

So far on the mental list were Dash, Kanin and of course, her big brother. The little deviant, crept along, gun at the ready in case she ran into anyone not on her team.


hunny_sensor November 19 2008, 05:50:47 UTC
Who the hell was that awesome shot!? Although he was on the yellow team, he was almost deceptively covered in red paint, thanks to Sniper wherever he was hidden out there. Not like it mattered; his target was on the blue team. His dearest little sister needed to face the fire!

The shotgun was all ready cocked, and he used his wings to drift not an inch or two off the ground. With speed on his side, he flitted around a corner and lifted the gun, firing. What erupted from the barrels were what looked like glittering paintballs of pink.



lemonshine November 19 2008, 12:25:27 UTC
Well so much for sneaking up on Chosen. The first paintball rammed into her right arm, which had her dropping her gun to the floor. Oh damn, those things hurt! The second shot hit her injured thigh which had her giving a painful yelp as her head shot around to glare at her big brother hotly. A hand shot down to rub her leg as her eyes clamped shut before sitting down in the middle of the street.

So that was three people who were in trouble now.

"You didn't have to shoot there you now," she huffed out. "That hurt!"


hunny_sensor November 19 2008, 23:03:36 UTC
"Not falling for it~" He called back, cocking the shotgun and remaining on his guard. He did appear to furrow an eyebrow, despite the impish grin he had on his face. She wasn't the type to be a little deceptive, was she? ... Wait. Yes she was. He remembered being scolded by Seraph for the jar Lucy broke a week ago.

"You okay? I can escort you to the medics if your leg hurts that bad."


Balcony of the Bellagio pinkhairedchild November 19 2008, 05:29:57 UTC
Blood was usually not very patient.

She also was not usually armed and dangerous in so obvious a way, but today was different.

Crouched low, peeking out from the holes in the balcony wall, Blood was keeping watch on the scene below. Deciding that hiding and picking off people from under cover would be best until she knew the rules and was more comfortable, she wondered exactly what type of game this was. She knew that she was on some Red team, and that other people in Red armor like hers were on the team too, but she had yet to see someone in a different color.

She had no idea where Ghost or any other team mates were, but was already thinking up ways she could help her team win. Most of them involved using her size to their advantage, but first she had to find someone willing to work with her.


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Hearing is almost as good as seeing.... pinkhairedchild November 19 2008, 18:38:11 UTC
Laughter rang out from the street below, stirring Blood out of her reverie. Her patience was finally going to pay off, she hoped. Sneaking to the edge of the balcony towards where the sounds were coming from, she carefully aimed down at an angle.

Making sure to keep quiet, she climbed up to the railing and balanced herself into a good position. She had never shot someone before that she could remember, but in order to test the gun she had fired a few warning shots at a hotel across the way. She knew about the recoil and was prepared. Now she just had to play the ninja, which she had perfect confidence in.




Three shots were fired in rapid succession before Blood jumped from the balcony she was on to one across the way. She was small, light, and she knew instinctively that she was a good jumper. She just had to dodge and hide until she encountered another red team member, and she'd be all set.


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