Title: Five Times Jeff Tried to Propose (And One Time He Succeeded)
Author: edenofalltrades
Spoilers: I wrote the story before season 4 started airing but I edited it after that so there are some very minor spoilers from the first few episodes of season 4.
Rating/Warnings: Teen/PG-13. It’s fairly mild but there is minor course
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Comments 6
I really loved this! I loved all the different scenarios. They never seemed overdone or over the top; what I mean is I could actually see all those things happening, especially Thanksgiving when Abed rearranged the whipped cream on all the slices so one didn't look obviously different. That was such a perfectly Abed thing to do! I hope you write more J/A fic! You have a wonderful grasp of the characters and your writing is terrific :)
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