Mini-ficlet prompt meme: double bingo combo!

Jul 31, 2016 20:06

On the quite possibly crazy theory that more pressure is better than less pressure (it concentrates my mind), it is once again mini-ficlet prompt meme time!

The rules this time are a little complicated, so bear with me:

Option 1! Here is a link to my open Cotton Candy Bingo card, which still has six unfilled squares. For those who prefer lists to ( Read more... )

cotton candy bingo, please help, meme, writing, daredevil bingo, mini-ficlet prompt meme

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Comments 2

wistfulmemory August 9 2016, 21:10:42 UTC
If it hasn't been taken yet (as I'm horribly behind in checking LJ), I would love to claim the "picnic" prompt with Cimorene, Morwen, and Kazul having to deal with unexpected ambassadors.


edenfalling March 2 2017, 01:26:53 UTC

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