SPN: The Burning World

Jun 28, 2009 01:27

Fandom: Supernatural
Main characters: Sam, Dean
Referenced characters: Castiel, Bobby, Jo, Ellen
Pairings: None
Contains: N/a
Rating: G
Summary: They don't have much of an army, but what they got's good enough. For comment_fic.
Notes: Will almost certainly get Kripke'd the minute S5 starts.

"It's not much of an army."

"It's enough," Dean says, and he doesn't even sound like he's lying. He's loading his guns, one after another, quick decisive movements. "I wish we had Dad, but we've got enough here. The longer we wait, the less chance we've got. We've been through all this, Sammy. Don't back out now."

"I'm not going to back out, but Dean -- "

"Don't tell me we don't have a chance. We have Castiel. We have other angels. Funny how appealing us mud monkeys look when heaven's under siege. We have Bobby. We have Jo and Ellen. We've got a whole bunch of other hunters. And you've got me."

"I wish -- "

"Don't even talk about freaky powers. We've got all we need."

"Dean -- "

"We started this, Sam," Dean says, without looking up. He's arming himself with knives, now, hiding them in his clothes, sticking them in his belt, his boots. Anywhere he can get to them nice and quick later on. "I broke the first seal."

Sam doesn't know how Dean says that so easily. His own part in all this chokes him worse than the dust of the burning world. "I -- "

"Come on, Sam," he says, and Sam thinks he knows how merciful he's being in forbidding that kind of talk right now. "We need to get this over with so we can get on with repopulating the world."

He gives one of the other hunters, a chick with blonde hair and very white teeth, a very significant look.

"Oh, gross, I don't want to think about that. Jerk."

"Bitch," Dean says, grins, and everything is terrible and everything is okay.

sam, supernatural, shortfic, no pairing, dean

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