here's a couple views and measurements so those who feel inclined can make them... if you do, post a photo wearing it, ok? and a hint at what you're hiding under it...
inside out view
The hat is made from polyester fleece. The top circle is one layer thick and the sides are two layers thick (one layer folded in half) I don't know why it was made with the small panel... 'probably due to the material size available. The second view is inside out to show that the final sewing was probably done with a surger sewing machine... I don't know about such things... the last sewing I did was when I had to stitch myself up when the grizzly tore me open in the wilderness... and I wasn't too lucid at the time... (or maybe that was just a dream... I think so because I can't find the scars... or maybe I'm a good seamster or bullshooter...)
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