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Comments 6

It wasnt just you beable October 28 2014, 04:45:44 UTC

Trees will save them because tres wuv humanity seemed bloody obvious as soon as we saw magical girl's solar flare drawing with the really emo sun that doesnt mean to hurt all it's friends


Re: It wasnt just you ed_rex October 28 2014, 14:02:02 UTC
That's about the size of it, all right. Also, it now occurs to me to wonder: is this the first time that Who has featured Magic without some kind of science-y hand-waving?


talekyn October 28 2014, 18:21:01 UTC
I haven't been good about posting my own episode reviews this season, but for my money, this was the worst episode of the lot. I'm willing to forgive a lot of "sciency-sounding-but-not-realistic" stuff in an SF show -- willing suspension of disbelief and all -- but the reveal of what was going on threw me completely out of a story I was already struggling with. I disliked the way the kids were developed (or undeveloped/stereotyped, as it is), really didn't like the way no-one seemed to communicate worldwide (despite news reports), didn't like the way mental illness was presented ("It's a super-power! You're a WIZARD, Maebh!")

And when the best lines in the episode are delivered by two of the Child Stereotypes, you know the script has problems. ("I thought you said they were in love. Why are they arguing?" "Because that's what people in love do. DON'T YOU KNOW ANYTHING?" and "I'm getting anxious! And when I get anxious I forget my anger management!" both made me laugh.)


Worst? Probably, yes ed_rex October 29 2014, 03:02:31 UTC
Tell you the truth, most of the episodes have already (mercifully) faded on me. I remember being pretty unhappy with a number of them but I think it's a fair bet this is the worst - so far. I'm not expecting much (good) from the two-part finale coming up.

My favourite bit was Capaldi bouncing around the console, shooing the kids away from it. But that's a pretty poor return for 42 minutes of my life.


Re: Worst? Probably, yes talekyn October 29 2014, 13:07:58 UTC
I really actually like Capaldi's gruffer, crankier Doctor (not that I didn't like Tennant and Smith, mind you), but the scripts feel like they've been all over the place and contradictory, especially in terms of Clara's reactions to the Doctor. I thought "Robots of Sherwood" was goofy fun, and really liked the creepiness of the "Flat Intruders" or whatever they were called (episode before "Forest") but overall, this new series hasn't really found itself yet, and here we are at the end.


Re: Worst? Probably, yes ed_rex October 30 2014, 05:23:45 UTC
Me too. In my full reviews, I've often praised Capaldi; he's got an awesome sense of humour and is able to bring it to bear without breaking chracter (when the script gives him an actual character to put at risk).

I enjoyed hell out of "Robots of Sherwood", but thought "Flatline" lost a dimension on second viewing. (Yes please: shoot me now.)


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