[Thread] Gonna fight all night long, bb

Jan 29, 2009 01:54

Characters: OU!Rouge, OU!Shadow
Where: Mui-Enas roof
When: Late afternoon
Summary: After Shadow's request to spar, Rouge heads up to the roof to oblige him.
Warnings: None

Too bad violence doesn't solve everything or they'd be set )

[sonic:sega] shadow, [sonic:sega] rouge the bat

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bowyourheadslow January 29 2009, 08:04:30 UTC
It wasn't just the irritation at the Warden's location being withheld that was bugging him. It was annoying, to be sure, but Tohru was working on it, which was helpful of her. If she wasn't able to come up with anything soon, he'd take matters into his own hands, but he'd give her a bit more time, first ( ... )


bowyourheadslow January 30 2009, 21:46:54 UTC
Speaking during a fight was something he avoided. Much like the rest of the time. Sonic never did seem to understand that, though, which was extremely irritating at times. Well, either that, or he talked incessantly in a conscious attempt to get him to reply and therefore throw off his focus. It was especially irritating when it worked. The idiot hedgehog didn't seem capable of planning ahead to that degree, however; most likely, he just talked because he liked the sound of his own voice.

With his free arm, Shadow deflected the kick to his side before it could reach him, then drew his arm back before thrusting his elbow down at her stomach. Somewhat belatedly he realized that knocking the wind out of her while they were both still hanging in midair was probably not the best idea he'd had lately.


consideritmine January 30 2009, 22:00:14 UTC
Unlike last time, she was prepared for the punch. She breathed out hard and swiftly when she saw it coming to get the air out of her before he made contact. It still hurt, but she was able to maintain her position in the air and while actual fist fights were something she preferred to avoid, she made an exception and found the strength to return the blow in the form of a punch aimed at his abdomen.


bowyourheadslow January 30 2009, 22:35:31 UTC
The blow connected. Shadow squeezed his eyes shut on impact and gave a pained grunt. He'd been underestimating her, he now saw. It only took him a moment to recover, and he hadn't yet let go of her, but she'd definitely landed a good one on him. He'd have to do a better job of keeping his guard up.

Once his eyes were open again, however, Shadow noticed she'd broken his concentration long enough that he'd fallen a good couple feet before hovering again. Well, that was no good. He dropped the rest of the distance to the rooftop, then began to skate a wide circle across it once more, rubbing absently at his belly briefly while picking up speed.


consideritmine January 30 2009, 22:57:20 UTC
She didn't bother to suppress the smirk that had formed on her face. Harming someone she considered a friend in such a brutish fashion didn't typically give her such a sense of pride, but it had felt nice to one up Shadow this time. Now all she had to do was keep it up.

With him off of her, she reclaimed the distance she had previous plus a couple feet. Countering was getting her farther than all the other times she had tried being offensive, so she decided to keep with it and wait for his next move.


bowyourheadslow January 30 2009, 23:12:36 UTC
Going up again, was she? Hopefully she realized, and didn't mind, that if she went up beyond a point to which he could jump, he was just going to have to use alternative tactics.

That being the case, his quickly skating form dissolved into a burst of blue, and he reappeared just above her, with the heel of one foot being brought rapidly down toward the back of her shoulder.


consideritmine January 30 2009, 23:55:30 UTC
The problem with him using Chaos Control was that it was hard to predict where he would appear and attack. All she could do to prepare for it once he vanished was to brace herself and be ready to retaliate at a moment's notice. She heard him right behind her and she had just enough time to turn herself as the blow hit, twisting enough to kick at his outstretched leg.


bowyourheadslow January 31 2009, 00:14:18 UTC
Her leg just barely passed over his as he carried through with the kick. A quarter of a second later, he was gone again, reappearing suddenly at her side with a punch headed for the underside of her jaw.

Okay, sure, he was being kind of cheap. He was well aware of that. But so was her insistence on keeping to the air. So as far as he figured, Chaos Control was fully justified.


consideritmine January 31 2009, 02:49:07 UTC
The last use of Chaos Control had been expected, but this one threw her for a loop. The next thing she knew was that there was the sound of wind moving and a sudden pain in her jaw. She faltered from her spot in the air and fell back and down a few feet before catching herself. Instinctively her hand moved to rub her chin and she glared lightly at him as she waited for the pain to subside.


bowyourheadslow January 31 2009, 03:24:33 UTC
He showed no visible reaction to her glare as he returned immediately to the ground, standing still for once. He'd debated appearing above her once more and stomping down at her chest, but it would probably be too painful. Perhaps he'd already overdone it just now, anyway. Sparring was hard work when you were so concerned about harming your partner.

"You alright?" he asked casually, while idly brushing some invisible speck of dust from the tuft of white on his chest.


consideritmine January 31 2009, 06:41:00 UTC
It took her a moment longer than she would have liked to respond. "What do you think?" she said, rolling her eyes at the question. Injuries of some sort were an expected and accepted part of sparring for her, but she was bitter from that last use of his power. If he kept pulling stunts similar to that, it'd be impossible for her to win. Admittedly, it couldn't be considered a real win since if he didn't use his Chaos powers, he wouldn't be at his full strength like her, but that was a fact she cared little for when several parts of her were aching now.


bowyourheadslow January 31 2009, 07:08:26 UTC
Well fine then, maybe he wouldn't bother trying to show concern anymore. Sheesh.

Anyway, her staying up there so high was irritating. It was for a good reason, sure, and he would have done the same in her position, but it was boring for him and made it harder for him to come up with minimally damaging attacks. Sure, he had a huge advantage on the ground, but he also had more control there, where he didn't also have to think about gravity and whether to use it or resist it. He was half-tempted to go up there and pin her wings in and pull her down that way, but he didn't want to risk damaging the fragile bone-and-skin structures that gave her flight.

So, instead, he flicked a small, stinging spark of Chaos energy up at her from where he stood. And then another, a few inches away. And a third.


consideritmine January 31 2009, 07:26:15 UTC
...Was he seriously flicking Chaos energy at her now? Flying back some, she finally landed and shook her head at him. Irritation had vanished and mild confusion took its place. She wasn't even entirely sure they were continuing the battle right now or if he was doing it as some sign of protest for her aerial position.

"Is that necessary?"


bowyourheadslow January 31 2009, 07:30:53 UTC
Evidently, yes, although he didn't answer as such. Instead he sprinted toward her, then launched himself into the air and whipped around, throwing two tornado kicks at her. Surely, she would be too busy trying to dodge or block them to notice the faint smile he wore once again.


consideritmine January 31 2009, 07:52:53 UTC
Goddamn, why did he have to be so fast?! The smile did indeed go unnoticed because as she realized it was too late for her to get out of the way, she attempted to prevent the kicks from hitting anything vital with her arms and landed on her back from the force of the blows. For a moment, all she could feel was a powerful sting in her arms and back. She didn't bother to get up immediately, instead she closed her eyes and hoped the pain would become a dull throb soon.


bowyourheadslow January 31 2009, 08:37:53 UTC
"Damnit," he muttered, and made his way slowly over to her. He was cautious, of course - for all he knew it was a trick to lower his guard and lure him in closer so she could catch him unawares. But for some reason he didn't think that was the most likely scenario.

Shadow knelt beside her, looking her over to make sure she wasn't bleeding or anything, then remained there somewhat awkwardly, not sure what to say or do. Hopefully if she was alright, she'd get back up soon enough.


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