Characters: AU Manjoume Jun, OU Mahaado
Where: Yil-Pente
When: Some time in the afternoon-ish
Summary: Manjoume returns to Mahaado's place for the next lesson in his training to resist mind-effecting magic and stuff.
Warnings: That... depends on what happens.
In your driver's test, they won't tell you 'good job' if you've done well; they'll only tell you 'Let's continue'. )
Comments 34
He wouldn't have found anyone else, though. Once he found something, he tried to stick with it until there was no way to make it work anymore, be it a position in the school, a deck, a philosophy on life, a teacher, etcetera. Manjoume was stubborn like that.
Besides, he reasoned to himself, he'd fared far worse.
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