[THREAD] Ongoing

Dec 16, 2008 10:48

Characters: Members of the Alliance, the remains of the Bonfire Pact (if there are any... lol), friends of those kidnapped, those involved in searching, etc...
Where: The Fiji, Lister's old place
When: The night when everyone's been missing about 24 hours, possibly ongoing through plot
Summary: The Quatre's put together a meeting with the various ' ( Read more... )

[batman] harvey dent, [hellboy] johann krauss, [gundam wing] quatre winner, [gundam wing] trowa barton, [gundam wing] chang wufei, location: stores / café, [twewy] bito raimu, [yuugiou gx] johan anderson, [gundam wing] heero yuy, [gundam wing] hilde schbeiker, [american mcgee's alice] alice liddell, [gundam wing] duo maxwell, [cowboy bebop] radical edward

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Comments 63

ARRIVALS desertprince04 December 16 2008, 16:00:48 UTC
OOC: Post your character's arrivals here. Gather, chat, mingle.


Re: ARRIVALS darker_alice December 16 2008, 18:13:43 UTC
Alice was one of the first to arrive, and decided to do so in her own fashion. She had wandered in quietly, the croquet mallet hanging loosely in her left hand. Her watch was tightly secured on her wrist, and her face was unreadable. She had finally gotten a notion of where these alliance members were meeting and intended to be productive.

Alice, after all, was no fool. Between complainers and do-gooders, what they needed, sad to say, was a killer: dispassionate but able to get the job done. That wasn't to say that Alice would kill anyone off the bed, heavens no. But the option was always there, and Alice, who believed in the welfare of those in this place, knew it was something she could do. She had no hatred for the Joker or any of those kidnappers, which she felt was also in her favor: nothing she would do would be out of passion, merely sensibility.


ectoplasicious December 16 2008, 19:29:50 UTC
Johann arrived fairly early as well. It did not take him long to find the place and he knew he needn't wait on Quatre or anyone else before heading directly there. The odd-suited man walked in and, without really glancing around, aimed for a discreet place to make himself comfortable. He opted for a stool at the bar counter and awkwardly rested his non-existent weight there.

He didn't have to look to know who else was already there or arriving. He could feel their presences.


desertprince04 December 17 2008, 08:06:30 UTC
Quatre nodded to both Johann and Alice. He could pick up on the girl's detatchment right away, even without his abilities. Her posture screamed it. It would be interesting to have an outside viewpoint, at least. As for Johann, he recognized the suit and actually offered the 'ghost' a small smile. After all, he had helped them after the last Entropi attack.


DISCUSSION desertprince04 December 16 2008, 16:01:30 UTC
OOC: This is where the main discussion will go. Take the floor and offer some information... Share what you know.


Re: DISCUSSION desertprince04 December 17 2008, 08:13:52 UTC
Quatre took a deep breath and looked at all those gathered. He had to admit, he was mildly disappointed the other Wufei hadn't shown and momentarily wondered if he had been kidnapped as well or stranded under another piece of mistletoe. He would have to find out himself after this was over. He stood up at one end of the room, taking charge out of sheer necessity rather than desire ( ... )


PLANNING desertprince04 December 16 2008, 16:02:09 UTC
OOC: Let's get a rudimentary plan together. Certain teams to certain areas. Certain teams focus on finding certain people. Whatever. Give it a shot.


TEAM GATHERING desertprince04 December 16 2008, 16:03:22 UTC
OOC: Have a team organized? Meet up with them and plot further here. Or... just grab them and go. Coordinate with other teams if you so wish.


Re: TEAM GATHERING: [PARK] Trowa -> Quatre -> Ed l3puffy_pants December 17 2008, 08:08:44 UTC
"Ed, are you OK?" Trowa asked the girl, wondering if he was going too fast for her. He had long legs too, and was much taller than the hacker. But what he had over her on size, she more than made up for with her...liveliness. What she was doing beside him wasn't what Trowa would even call running exactly. But as long as they got to Quatre, and that she didn't break her neck, that was fine.

"Look, there he is," the brunet said, pointing at Quatre as if the Sandrock's pilot didn't stand out where he was waiting at the old stone bridge, his blonde hair contrasting sharply against the relatively drab surroundings. "Quatre!" Trowa shouted, slowing down to a jog.


Re: TEAM GATHERING: [PARK] Trowa -> Quatre -> Ed r4d3d1337h4xx0r December 17 2008, 08:18:17 UTC
[OOC: AU!Quatre, right?]

"Wooooo!" Ed just giggled and laughed as she ran along with Trowa, taking this whole running thing as more of a game than something majorly important. She wasn't really running, of course, as she had a tendancy to do something unusual when she moved. Currently, she was alternating between hops, skips, and cartwheels, yet somehow keeping up with the agile pilot. Granted, she wasn't right beside him, perhaps a bit behind, but, still... she was moving fairly fast for not outright running.

"Quat-Quat!!" Ed yelled after Trowa pointed out the blond Arabian.


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HEADQUARTERS desertprince04 December 16 2008, 16:04:41 UTC
OOC: The ongoing portion of the thread. Feel free to use this part for touching base with other teams or other characters further along in the plot. Please note time and day in the Subject so we don't get TOO confused. XD


Re: HEADQUARTERS irised_albedo December 20 2008, 01:47:42 UTC
Johan arrived a little later than most of the others---he had not been sure what to think at first, not been sure if his initial suspicions were correct, and he had taken a while in getting to the place. The walk over had included a sidetrack he needed to take to allow himself enough time to think. But now that he had taken it, his head was a bit clearer, and he was able to put in order what he and Harvey had talked about, however briefly, over the communicators.

And because it was easier, his resolve was a bit firmer.

He would help however he could, whatever it was that he could do. Not only was it his duty but, whether subconsciously or not, it would do good in assuaging whatever was left of his guilt.

(OOC: Lolwat. Sorry about that, haha. Backdating is always so awesome.


HEADQUARTERS dualfaced December 20 2008, 02:30:12 UTC
"Johan." Harvey greeted with a smile, tired but sincere, as he walked in, pulling his coat off. The greenhouse had been a fruitless search, as expected but still, each wild goose chase wasted more and more time. He threw the coat over one of the chairs nearby, rubbing his face in his hands for a moment. He wondered if this place served coffee.

"Thanks for coming." He said, attention redirected to the younger man, nearly offering his hand to shake out of habit. "I don't suppose you had a burst of luck and stumbled on a clue on your way here." he asked with a wry quirk of the lips. Might as well try to keep his own moral up, it certainly wasn't getting any brighter as is.


Re: HEADQUARTERS desertprince04 December 20 2008, 02:55:08 UTC
Quatre looked up as two people entered. "Hello," he said. "How are you doing?" he asked, wondering if they had any updates.


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