[Thread] Checking on the flowers

Dec 10, 2008 01:00

Characters: Aerith Gainsborough [OU], Open (no more than 3 or 4 though please?)
Where: The greenhouse
When: Early afternoon
Summary: Finally finding her way to the greenhouse, Aerith wants to check on the flowers, and see how they're faring -- plus she's never seen a greenhouse before.
Warnings: Shouldn't be any.
Notes: New character = New thread ( Read more... )

[avatar] zuko, location: greenhouse, [final fantasy vii] sephiroth, *open, [final fantasy vii] aerith gainsborough

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Comments 28

silvergeneral December 11 2008, 07:34:42 UTC
(OOC: *sneaks in sneakily since no one else appears to be around and we're not precisely at each other's throats and thus can be construed as... um... well, not-enemies? ^^;*)Sephiroth was not particularly fond of greenhouses. It was the humidity that he particular hated, the damp air that clung to his skin and felt a hundred strangers touching him. But he had chosen this one because it was, for the most part, empty. No one worked the ground, kept the plants growing, especially not since that goddess-woman had gone. The ventilation system was nonfunctional, without magic such delicate forms of life generally did not last long ( ... )


floweringangel December 12 2008, 07:44:49 UTC
Aerith was surprised to find someone else in the greenhouse, especially when she saw who it was. Smiling a little to herself, she stood back and just watched, amused by the sight of Sephiroth. She was still somewhat wary -- now knowing what he had done in her world, and the warnings she had received from both Fayt and Cloud -- but it wasn't in her nature to be unkind to people, and as she watched Sephiroth, she couldn't help but wonder about him, and want to talk to him.


silvergeneral December 16 2008, 07:43:48 UTC
Sephiroth had a strange effect on materia. Whether it was through too close a marriage to the Lifestream or something intrinsic to his making, when dormant or otherwise not in use, the colored crystal spheres glowed--a sort of slow pulse like a steady heartbeat.

However, when Aeris approached, all the spheres began to glitter--bright little points of light that flickered across the surface, and a fire that sparked up at the very core.

"I should have known you might come here eventually," he said at last by way of greeting. "Though I suppose I should have. Even in a strange a place as Econtra, I suppose flower girls will be flower girls."

His lip quirked into a slight half-smile. "Then again, when last I had knowledge of such things, I was under the impression you cared more for plants that were somewhat more..." he glanced down at shreds of dead sunflower decorating his coat. "...alive."


floweringangel December 16 2008, 17:40:25 UTC
Aerith blinked, not quite sure what has just happened. "This is actually my first time here. I'd meant to come sooner, but I...things seemed to get in the way," gently she touched one of the nearby plants, noticing how dead it was. Her face fell for a moment, and she wondered why the plants had been dying. "Yes, you're right. I'm not sure why these are dead though, unless its because Persephone is suddenly gone. She used to take care of them," Aerith looked up at Sephiroth before turning her attention back to the flowers, removing her gloves and digging her fingers into the semi-frozen dirt as best she could.


banishment December 11 2008, 18:25:15 UTC
There had been a lot of disappearances lately and a lot of other things that irked a prince who wasn't known for his ability to be patient. He'd gotten much better at it in recent years, but this place was starting to wear thin on him. All he did here was wait and waiting in and of itself was starting to piss him off. Zuko craved action and excitement and wished for something, anything, to happen that was worthy of his attention. He was used to doing what needed to be done and what needed to be done here was seeing to the Entropi's defeat and getting himself and everyone else out of this Agni-forsaken place. But, that task was easier said than done. This wasn't something Zuko could make happen by himself or overnight. It was like what would have and had (though he didn't get to experience it, due to being here) happened with the comet and taking down his father: it required planning, time, and that thing he hated the most in life. Patience ( ... )


floweringangel December 12 2008, 07:51:53 UTC
Aerith turned at the sound of her name, the voice extremely familiar. "Zuko!" her face lit up and she walked towards her friend. She hadn't seen him since the wedding, and quickly moved to embrace him in a hug. "How are you?" she asked quietly, not moving. It felt like it had been forever since she had seen Zuko, and she missed him.


banishment December 17 2008, 18:43:02 UTC
There were few people Zuko would allow to touch him or be affectionate towards him, even in a friendly way, in this compound, but luckily Aerith was one of them and he returned the hug before taking a step back and allowing himself to be momentarily distracted once more by the beautiful plant life that filled the greenhouse.

Her question hit his ears, though, and he turned to look at her. "Well. Busy, but well. You?"


floweringangel December 21 2008, 06:36:46 UTC
Aerith grinned at Zuko, ecstatic to see him. "Adjusting. Being married is...its different. Strange, but nice. I'm really enjoying it, actually. I don't get to see Fayt as much as I would like to, since he is extremely busy with the Alliance work, but there's no shortage of things to do here. I only wish I had known how much work the greenhouse needs sooner. This is my first time here," she gently placed a flower in her hand, wishing she had the magic Persephone had possessed, and bring back the flower.


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