Characters: Jonathan Strange (ou), OPEN
Where: The park by the pond
When: Mid-day, although thanks to Strange's curse, it's darkest night in the ten feet surrounding him
Summary: Strange attempts some spells wit hout much luck
Warnings: Possible magic?
This water is problematic ... )
Johann vaguely recognized the type of magic being cast. And he was fairly certain he knew what the problem was.
He got a little closer before saying something to the man. "I don't believe your friend is to be found in this dimension."
Strange turned his eyes back to the lake, "Getting back to business, you seemed to intimate you might have some knowledge as to why my spell appears to be fizzling."
Johann also glanced out over at the water when Strange did, then returned his gaze to the man as he answered. "Yes. If I have deduced correctly you are searching various places for a specific person, ja? That person is not here in this land. The places might exist... but he is where you left him in your own world."
The magician stroked his chin in deep thought. He then very suddenly slammed his fist into the palm of his hand.
"By bird and book, you're right! I am searching for Jonathan Segundis on this Earth, but that is like looking for carrots in the wine cellar."
He sighed. "I'm afraid the complexity of the situation is a bit out of the spell's capabilities. Drawing up visions of faraway places is normally one of my most in-demand service, but here it appears to be useless."
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