[Thread] Don't let it fade away...

Nov 08, 2008 12:49

Characters: Aerith Gainsborough [OU], Cloud Strife [OU]
Where: The church
When: Half hour after this
Summary: Aerith is wondering if its really Cloud who's here. And she wants to find out if he's from her world or another one.
Warnings: Super squishy "awww" factor!

If this is a dream, let me sleep forever )

[final fantasy vii] cloud strife, location: church / cemetery, *complete, [final fantasy vii] aerith gainsborough

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liveandforgive November 8 2008, 18:46:18 UTC
The longer he remained here, the more real this world felt. And that was beginning to scare him. If only in the slightest. It wasn't one of those things where he felt...well, true fear. But a sense of discomfort. Who could have such power to alter his existence in one dimension to the next? If this were a dream, in all honesty, he would have preferred to wake up. Cloud didn't want to be a soldier anymore. He didn't want to fight in a massive war, for a planet that wasn't even his own. Above all else ( ... )


liveandforgive November 9 2008, 07:30:02 UTC
He kept hearing about these cuffs...and the ability to restrict their powers. But he didn't feel restrained in any way, shape, or form... Cloud would just have to find out what was going on when he had a showdown with the One Winged Angel. It was also a good thing that he didn't know that she had to slap his hand away; otherwise he might have had the right mind to devote himself to solely Sephiroth, knowing that he could have hurt her at any given time...and possibly would have if these cuffs were online.

The fact that he didn't touch her though...perplexed him. He almost didn't want to believe her until he remembered who he was talking to in the first place.

"... I need you to do something for me."


floweringangel November 10 2008, 03:16:27 UTC
Aerith knew Cloud was still being serious, and she also guessed she knew what he was about to say. Sighing, she looked up at him. "Cloud, if you're about to tell me to stay away from Sephiroth, or be careful, please remember that I grew up in the Slums of Midgar. I'm...not as fragile a creature as so many people want to believe," she didn't add that she also had a fiance who would protect her to the death, since she didn't quite feel it was the right moment for that.


liveandforgive November 10 2008, 17:45:12 UTC
That might as well have been the case. But not quite; Cloud knew that Aerith would wish to avoid Sephiroth by any means. It was all a matter of where he wanted her to be. He wanted to tell her to stay by his side, but that wouldn't have been the wisest of ideas if it meant confronting his nemesis. "I know."

Taking a deep breath, he wasn't about ready to let this go so easily. "Aerith. Wherever you're staying... Just stay there. When I face him."


floweringangel November 10 2008, 18:59:04 UTC
Aerith's eyes went wide for a moment, when she realized what Cloud meant. She understood though, that he needed to do this himself, without anyone or anything else there. "I understand, but it doesn't mean I like it, Cloud," she knew he was only thinking of her best interests, and she appreciated it.


liveandforgive November 10 2008, 19:28:07 UTC
The less distractions the better, in Cloud's mind. If Tifa, Barret, Vincent, and the others were here...and if they had materia, he may have asked them to join him. But even then the blond felt a sense of security in knowing that Sephiroth's focus was solely on him, and that he wouldn't come about to injuring the others. Caring was one way of putting his intentions. He was also glad that Aerith understood. Allowing himself the faintest of smiles, he rested a hand upon her shoulder, softly and giving a reassuring squeeze that everything would be alright.

"Nobody does."


floweringangel November 10 2008, 19:59:15 UTC
Aerith smiled back a little, wishing that Cloud would have a little more faith in her. Yet, if he insisted on treating her like a fragile doll, then she wouldn't really argue -- he was a lot like Fayt, always having her best interests at heart. "Just be careful, alright Cloud? I...don't want anything to happen to you," she realized at that moment that she was still holding his hand, and squeezed it gently.


liveandforgive November 10 2008, 21:01:11 UTC
"He can't defeat me." He said this with such an air of confidence about him, that same atmosphere and determination that once shone as brightly as it had over two years ago. Of course, he was always careful when it came to battle, but he had to go into a battle thinking...no, knowing he would win if he wanted to achieve true victory. And Sephiroth was no exception.

He looked down to the hand that was holding his own, his smile fading some for a more soft expression. This...was what it felt like to hold her hand? He had almost forgotten.

It was nice.

"I'll be fine," he said with a short nod. "I promise."


floweringangel November 10 2008, 21:25:42 UTC
Aerith smiled, seeing his determination. She knew he could defeat Sephiroth -- after all he had done it twice already, hadn't he? Seeing his smile fade a little, Aerith wondered for a moment but decided not to say anything. It was nice to be like this, with someone from her own world. She had no doubt now, no matter what happened, that this was her Cloud, the one she had watched over. "Alright, as long as you come back," she teased. As a reminder of the past, she almost teasingly asked him for a date, but she knew she couldn't. Aerith wasn't the same anymore, she had Fayt now. The love of her life, the man she saw a future with. Cloud was the past, a past she would never forget, but still...the past.


liveandforgive November 11 2008, 03:25:37 UTC
"I will," his tone of voice softened along with his expression, letting go of her hand and taking a step back. "You can show me around after too."


floweringangel November 11 2008, 04:21:32 UTC
Aerith's face brightened again, and she nodded. "Alright," she said, making her way to the door. Looking at him over her shoulder, she called out, "I'll meet you in the park tomorrow afternoon, okay?" and with one last smile, she walked out...almost like a de ja vu of not so long ago.


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