[Thread] You would take the breath from my throat.

Sep 20, 2008 10:15

Characters: AU!Persephone, OPEN
Where: The Library
When: Early morning, after Persephone is uncoma'ed.
Summary: Persephone has a weird dream and goes to do some research at the library to decipher it.
Warnings: Vaguely freaked out goddess on a mission. Also me being sick so replies might be wonky. Apologies in advance!

And you would take the cherished people that I hold. )

[hellboy] johann krauss, location: school, [age of mythology] persephone, *open, [doctor who] 10th doctor, [star ocean] fayt leingod, [trc] kurogane, [teen titans] robin, [thursday next] acheron hades

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Comments 100

arrowofapris September 20 2008, 18:02:28 UTC
A young man peered from behind one of the shelves; blue-haired, green-eyed, kind face. "Excuse me, but are you alright? Do you need any help?" Fayt asked, genuinely concerned. It was early, but he was already at the library, continuing with his research, finding out as much as he could about the Entropi even though their facilities had little to offer.


poppingseeds September 20 2008, 18:05:26 UTC
It wasn't like running into someone at the library was surprise -- people were there all the time -- but at this hour it seemed, pardon the pun, a little ungodly. Persephone glanced at the blue haired man, eyes focusing on him without really seeing him, and replied with annoyed, distracted, "Yeah, fine. Just fine. Looking for something, something important."


arrowofapris September 20 2008, 18:20:58 UTC
"What about? Maybe I could help," Fayt offered, not at all offended with her rather annoying reply. He did that sometimes, too. "I mean, I've been looking over these materials for the last couple of days, so I might've seen the particular book you're after."


poppingseeds September 20 2008, 18:26:37 UTC
"Greek myth -- " Persephone stopped, closing her mouth. It seemed odd calling the gods of her world myths, but here, that's what they were. "Greek tales. The histories of the gods. I need to find everything I can on them and I need to find it now."


transparentdark September 20 2008, 18:03:45 UTC
He had taken to the library early, seeking to look through the books and scout for one that would be good for jumping into. Besides, after seeing nothing but the inside of Om-Enas for more than a month, being outside and elsewhere again was a welcome, refreshing change of pace. The hour itself was good, and seemed to hold a promise that few- if any- others would be occupying the library, giving the eldest Hades plenty of space and silence to roam about and study through the pages at his leisure. Of course, just because it seemed like something would be one way, it seldom followed through with the promise ( ... )


poppingseeds September 20 2008, 18:09:55 UTC
The goddess had her nose buried deep in one of the books, studying the text. From the sleep and agitation it was hard to focus on the words, mind weaving between Greek and English, able to pick out some of the words, but leaving others unreadable. Even though that particular tome contained some of the information Persephone was seeking, she tossed it aside without a second thought, frustrated.

The sound of the voice was enough to distract her, not really having recognized it quite at first, so when she looked up, there was a faint smile forming on her lips. It died quickly and the girl's expression turned to cold stone, books shifting in her arms as she prepared to lob them at the man should he become a nuisance.

"Acheron Hades."


transparentdark September 20 2008, 18:15:17 UTC
"You look troubled," he stated simply, aware of the sudden change in her expression, though letting it pass without comment. "Is something the matter?" Well, clearly, there seemed to be something, but it's one of those obvious questions you just can't help but ask, even when the answer is almost right in front of you. All things considered, however, the question sounded at least somewhat genuine. Seems he's not here to be a thorn in her side at the moment.


poppingseeds September 20 2008, 18:25:18 UTC
Is something the matter? Persephone almost shot back with some sort of cruel retort, but she wasn't oblivious to the sincerity that the question held. That was what kept her from the response she wanted to give, the goddess thrown through a momentary loop and shifting her weight from foot to foot uncomfortably.

A few moments of silence passed before the goddess let out a small sigh, expression troubled. "I need to find something important." And hey, just because he was being nice didn't mean she couldn't be vague.


steelninja September 20 2008, 18:30:06 UTC
Kurogane scowled at the medical tome in his hand and had been for the past hour or so. Since Tomoyo's idea that Fay's bouts of sickness could actually be just one infection acting up from time to time, Kurogane had the uneasy feeling of having done this already. Of course, what his mother had was more of a constant cough, getting worst at times, yet so far it was the only thing to fit with Fay's symptoms. What she had had been surprisingly easy to find in these books ( ... )


poppingseeds September 20 2008, 18:43:33 UTC
The fact she hit someone didn't phase her a bit -- Persephone hadn't even noticed. The curse to her kind, though? That earned Kurogane a glare of death fit to rival any of the ones the Keres could give before ripping away the souls of mortal men. It wasn't like Persephone didn't curse her kind on occasion (it did amuse her terribly), but the words coming from the mouth of some mortal man? No.

"Excuse you! That was quite rude!"


steelninja September 20 2008, 18:54:00 UTC
"Rude? Tch, your the one throwing books at people," Kurogane was a bit impressed by the glare coming from the girl, but he didn't show it. His glare shifted from the girl to the book on the floor, there where a few down there actually. Kurogane snapped his own book shut and bent down to pick up one of them. Myths?


poppingseeds September 20 2008, 18:58:31 UTC
"Well if people didn't get in the way, then they wouldn't get hit," she snapped, turning back to her ransacking of the shelf. This one wasn't particularly interesting, filled more with volumes on religion outside of Greece with the occasional surprise fiction book thrown in. Someone was not very good at categorising.


ectoplasicious September 20 2008, 21:46:11 UTC
Johann came here often, especially at night, so it wasn't uncommon to see him here early in the morning before he returned back to his dorm or went elsewhere for the day. He had several books tucked under his arm for a later read somewhere else as he began to head back towards the entrance/exit. He stopped as he heard the distinctive sound of books being tossed carelessly aside. The sound disconcerted a man like himself who held written works so high.

He turned towards the sound and walked in that direction. Rounding a shelf he was stunned into stillness at the sight that met his proverbial eyes. There was utter silence from him for a full minute before he mentally shook himself out of it.

"Per--Göttin Persephone," he spoke after having cleared a throat that was no longer there. "It is a pleasure to see you awake and well again!" He said with enthusiasm. A brief second later he realized her full state of body and mind and asked hesitantly. "Are--are you feeling quite well? ...Do you need help with something?"


poppingseeds September 20 2008, 22:42:55 UTC
Awake and well again? She went to sleep every night, why would she not be awake in the morning? The look that Persephone gave the Eidolon was a mixture of curiousness and suspicion, pausing in her plunder of the library. Maybe something really did happen.

"I'm fine. A little, dizzy, but... Why do you ask?"


ectoplasicious September 20 2008, 22:45:41 UTC
"Because," the Austrian spirit explained with animated hand gestures, "you were asleep now for quite a while. Robin and the rest of us were quite worried about you during this time. You hardly seemed alive..."


poppingseeds September 20 2008, 22:47:15 UTC
The look Persephone gave Johann this time was utterly blank, grey eyes blinking. "I can't have been asleep for days. It was only just yesterday I was hiding from all of the chaos that happened at the ball."


flipping_bird September 20 2008, 22:11:51 UTC
Robin had come to the library to return the books that he was using for his own research, take out some new ones -- he was slowly working his way through the science section, looking for anything that might give them a better understanding of the Entropii. He frowned as he saw the scattered books, picking one up. Someone sure seemed to have it in for --

He paused. Greek Myth?

He followed the trail of books with alarcity, grinning as he saw Persephone -- awake! "Persephone!"


poppingseeds September 20 2008, 22:44:34 UTC
Now that voice was certainly the most welcome out of all the ones that had interrupted her thus far in her search. Now sitting at a table -- but still no less surrounded by a carnage of literature -- Persephone looked up positively beaming.

"Robin! What are you doing here? Isn't it about time for training?"


flipping_bird September 20 2008, 22:50:33 UTC
Not even Persephone's bright smile could distract from the fact that she looked drawn and pale, tired -- okay, so maybe it could. But not for long!

"Just on my way there," Robin said, putting his books down on Persephone's table as he joined his friend. "But that can wait." He looked over the goodess anxiously. "You all right?"


poppingseeds September 20 2008, 22:52:27 UTC
Hey, just because she had been asleep for a few days and her head was still doing funny things... Persephone raised an eyebrow. This was the second time she had gotten asked this and she had a feeling she knew where it was headed. The goddess still didn't believe it.

"I'm fine. And no, I wasn't asleep for days. In case that's the next question."


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