Characters: Prince Zuko (OU), Mai (OU)
Where: Sor-Ennea
When: a day after the meat!puppet plot ends
Summary: Zuko needs to apologize. Big time.
Warnings: angst and knife-throwing is a given
Coming in through a window probably wasn't the best of ideas. )
Comments 55
"No, she just broke a few of my ribs," he said. "She left my legs for you to break."
"Yeah," he breathed, putting his chin in his hands and looking over at her. "It was like this voice that I couldn't quite here was in the back of my head, urging me to do the worst things I could think of. But, at the same time, it was like I was who I used to be when I first found the Avatar at the North Pole."
He slid his fingers up to press against his eyelids. "You must hate me. And you should."
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