For livelongnmarry: Drabbles

Jul 08, 2008 21:20

For nanthimus: 2 Drabbles, Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VIII, Squall/Zell, intimate comrades.

"Knowledge," 196 words, PG-13

Zell knew what Squall needed.

Quistis attempted to wring sentences out of out of a few words, but Zell read volumes in the curve of his lips or the tilt of his head. He wasn't sure when Squall's gestures suddenly developed into a complete and nuanced language. Perhaps because he spent so much time watching the other SeeD, alone and with others. He knew him, as much as it was possible to know anyone, so he knew when to follow the young commander upstairs; he knew when he knocked softly, just so, on the door that it would be opened, and he knew exactly what to say to get Squall to step aside and let him in. Here was riskier; Squall was wary after Seifer. But life was risk, after all, and they were comrades.

"Rinoa--" Squall started to say, and Zell silenced him with a kiss, because this had nothing to do with the complicated demands of a sorceress and everything to do with the needs of a soldier after battle. Zell felt it too, bloodlust replaced with regular lust, and this was no time for complicated gestures or pretty words.

Just what Squall needed.

Final Fantasy VIII, Seifer/Zell. Seifer's jealous over Zell but trying to act like he's not jealous. I would prefer Zell to be ignorant of Seifer's feelings.

"Library," 195 words, PG-13

The girl turned her head and smiled as Zell came into the library, and as he hurried over to speak to her, Seifer felt a rush of something sharp and unfamiliar. It tasted like bile as he spoke to her, acid as she simpered up at him. Since when had Zell been attractive to girls? Was it the hair, the inch or two he'd put on, the little bit his voice had deepened? Seifer wanted to grab the bitch by her ridiculous pigtail and teach her to keep her slut eyes off of his - his what? Seifer stopped, forcing himself to turn away from the nauseating tableaux. His boyfriend? Since when had he got so damned attached to the little bastard? To Chickenwuss, of all people? It was bad enough that Squall was - was whatever Squall was, but now he was getting possessive over Zell? "Might as well cut off your own balls and accept that you're a giant fucking pussy," he muttered to himself.

"Zell," he said aloud, and he turned away from the girl, which was all Seifer really wanted.

For thunderemerald: Harry Potter

Remus and Hermione, teachery genfic

"Booklist," 188 words, G

Hermione waited as the rest of the class left, wishing she was among them. It was incredibly rare that she be asked to stay after any class, and this was the first year they'd actually had a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher who was actually worth anything; what if she was unexpectedly dreadful in it? She'd never gotten low marks in anything.

Professor Lupin pulled a piece of parchment out from among his books and handed it to her. She snatched a glance down at it. It appeared to be a list of books.

"I thought you might like some extracurricular reading, Miss Granger," Professor Lupin said with a gentle nod. "These are some of the finest volumes on combating the Dark Arts available."

"Oh! Thank you! But - do you think I need extra study?"

"Teacher to student, certainly not. But - well, Miss Granger, let's say that you haven't chosen an entirely safe friend in Mr. Potter. It never hurts to be prepared."

Hermione smiled. "Thank you!"

"Now run along to class. And if you had any problems finding those, let me know."

For kitsunenomiko: Hellsing

Walter, genfic

"Visitation," 102 words, G

Walter felt a cold chill across the back of his neck and paused. "I sent her to bed, Arthur," he said aloud. The desk lamp dimmed for a second, then flicked back to full strength. "I intend to instill good habits in her if I can. She's still scarcely more than a child."


"She's doing a fine job. Running Hellsing like she's been doing it ten years already. You'd be proud."

The chill was back, this time on his shoulder. He got the distinct impression of a hand, squeezing. There was a moment of searing cold, and then it was gone.

Two more to go!

harry potter, final fantasy viii, fanfiction, hellsing, drabbles, fanfic

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