With Ears To See And Eyes To Hear - Chapter 1

Jan 07, 2012 02:13

Alex was tired. Very tired. He couldn't sleep before 5AM that morning, and waking up at six thirty didn't make it any better. It was right after their summer break you see, and Alex hadn't gone to bed in a decent hour all two months of it. He was really not ready to go back to be a junior this year at all. He couldn't wait to graduate the next year and he had all these plans he wanted to do when he graduated.

Alex had a strong cause of wanderlust you see, and his parents had dragged him and his sister all over the country and outside the country too, for as long as he could remember. It was nice, and Alex wanted to experience more and learn more.It was just who he was as a person, always wanting to discover new things.

During lunch he sat alone at first, waiting for Rian, Zack and a few others to come join him. It wasn't too boring, not when he could hear all the dirty secrets they had made during the summer. But obviously, whilst hearing all those thoughts there were also those thoughts, that he luckily rarely happened to hear, the sad thoughts. The thoughts of those being abused or raped or such. Alex hated hearing those because he could just simply just listen to it and not do anything about it. It wasn't like he could go 'Hey, I'm Alex. I heard you thinking of the night you got raped and I wanna help you.' As much as he wanted to just help them, he couldn't. It sucked.

'Hey, can I sit by your table? I don't see anyone else sitting here so..'

Alex looked up at his side, not even realizing someone had come up to him being too lost in his own thoughts.

'Sure,' Alex nodded and the raven-haired boy sat down opposite Alex.

'I'm Alex,' he said and smiled.

'I'm Jack,' the other replied and gave him a small smile before he shoved what seemed to be pudding into his mouth.

Alex just smiled back and it was cute how nervous Jack was in his mind, but how confident he seemed outside it.

'Are you new? I haven't seen you around before,' Alex said to make conversation whilst blocking Jack's thoughts out from his head. It would be nice to have a decent conversation for once without having to know the answer before it even leaves the other parts mouth.

'Well, you can say it like that. I'm supposed to be a sophomore but because I'm a genius they moved me up to junior,' he smirked.

'If you're such a genius you should probably know that the pudding you're eating isn't really pudding,' Alex laughed and took a bite of his own homemade lunch pack his mom had made him.

'W-what? If it's not pudding then what the fuck is it then?' he asked, eyes widening in shock and his fork dropping on the plate.

'Relax, he's just messing with you,' Rian said and sat down next to Alex. 'I'm Rian by the way, and you are?' he said and extended his arm for a fist bump with Jack. The rest of their lunch went by quickly, and it seemed to Alex that no one had a problem with Jack. Of course he would know, he could hear their thoughts.

That was also one slight problem; Zack, his other best friend and Rian knew about his mind reading. At first it had freaked them the fuck out and they refused to hang out with him for five days before they eventually came around with the promise of that Alex wouldn't creep their minds, which he tried to do. Of course he did, he had promised. But blocking out thoughts for over five hours makes him weak and tired and he just can't do it for that long yet.

'Why are you following me?' Jack asked and turned around to look at Alex who was indeed following him.

'One, I have to get to my locker and two, I have math which is this way,' he replied smoothly and smacked Jack's chest when he had reached him.

'Hurts,' he pouted and rubbed his fingertips soothingly over his chest where Alex's hand had been seconds ago.

'Sucks for you. Anyways, what class do you have now?'

'Uh, gym I think,' Jack sighed dramatically before he said that he really had to go if he didn't wanna get extra laps. Who even gives their students a gym class on their first day back after the summer? It's not even human, Jack thought for himself and Alex laughed to himself because the other boy really overreacted.

'Good luck,' he shouted after Jack before he himself went to his math class.

Alex blessed himself lucky when his last period got cancelled because his teacher was ill and they couldn't find a sub teacher so they could go home early. But of course, when something nice happens, something bad always has to come and ruin it.

Alex sat himself inside his car and tried to start it, but of course it refused to. He wondered about walking home, but then he remembered how warm it was outside and he would probably be dehydrated before he came home and no one would find his body and he would rot and get eaten by bugs and worms. Not to mention he was lazy.

He tried to start it again, just to see if he had any luck but nothing. A knock on the window sent him out of his thoughts to how he could hurt his car without ruining it too much.

'Jack?' he said and rolled down his window. 'What are you doing here? I thought you had gym?'

'I skipped after like ten minutes,' he laughed. 'Looks like you're having some trouble here. Let me see,' he said and walked to the front of the car to take a look at the engine.

'Try to start it again,' Jack said, and Alex did as told but it wouldn't start. He slammed his fist down on the dashboard and he was pissed off. Having his car fuck up like this was really not on his agenda today, especially not when he quit earlier.

'Dude, you're out of fuel,' Jack laughed. 'I'll drive and get you some. Wanna come with me?'

'Would you seriously do that?' Alex smiled and nodded at the same time.

'Sure, jump in,' he smiled and Alex heard the thoughts Jack was having and it was clear that he wasn't playing on the straight side.

They drove a good five minutes before either of them said a single word; Jack being his awkward self and Alex being humored by Jack's thoughts.

Seriously have to jerk off soon.

Shit, what if my parents heard me last night? Fuck.

Fuck, what if Alex can hear my thoughts? I would be so screwed, oh my God. Good thing that only happens in movies, but yeah, just in case, sorry Alex.

Alex laughed quietly and got a strange look from Jack in return.

'What's so funny?' Jack asked and smiled.

'The way you look like when you drive, it's priceless really,' Alex lied and turned to watch the road.

'Do you like music?' Jack asked about five minutes earlier.

'What kind of question is that? Do you like music,' he mimicked and laughed. 'But yeah, I do.'

'So I can put on music then?'

'Yes, Jack, you can put on music,' he laughed and rested his head on the window, looking at the people they passed by; all with a different story to share.

They drove like that, just being quiet and Alex was tired of hearing Jack's thoughts about music and when he sang along inside his head to the songs on his stereo, so he shut them out.

Somewhere along the way Alex had fallen asleep and he was gently shaken awake by Jack.

'Shit, sorry..' Alex mumbled and fuck, was that drool on his cheek. Way to look hot while you're sleeping, Alex, he thought and gave himself a mental pat on the shoulder.

'So how long did I sleep?'

'Like thirty minutes.'

'And out of thirty minutes, how many of them did you use to perv at me?' Alex chuckled.

All thirty minutes.

'Gee, I don't know! I guess I lost track of time looking at your drooling face,' he shot back, eyebrow cocked and smirk plastered on.

'Yeah, right. Well, thanks for the ride and the fuel. I have to repay you in some way soon, and I guess we'll talk tomorrow?'

A/N: Sooo, there's a lot of dialogue in this, and I don't really like it, but yeah. So I know what i'm doing with this story for once, sIGH. but yeah. I have no idea how much I'm gonna update, but I am gonna try my best! Thank you for all the nice comments on the prologue! It means so much, thank you! :')

jalex, with ears to see and eyes to hear

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