new seasons: grey's anatomy and gilmore girls

Oct 09, 2006 19:14

I've worked quite long on these 2 sets. I'm trying a new style and see if people like it. I like to make my icons more 'sophisticated'. I hope it shows it off.

01-17 Grey's Anatomy: season 3
18-26 Gilmore Girls: season 7

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icons, gilmore girls, grey's anatomy

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Comments 22

killmotion October 9 2006, 17:50:38 UTC
Gah, I haven't had a chance to see any season 7 episodes. I missed the first one and the second one and I don't know where to d/l them...
But the icons are so cute! #19 is funny. And who is the kid in #20?


echoism October 9 2006, 19:15:14 UTC
LOL, that's Kirk! :D


killmotion October 9 2006, 21:02:31 UTC
Really? I couldn't tell. I thought it was someone who was trying to dress like Luke. Y'know copy his plaid shirt and backwards hat. But it would also be a very Kirk thing to do. Man, I love Kirk! He's my favorite smaller character. And Miss Patty. Heck, I love 'em all. Man, I love that show.


echoism October 10 2006, 21:23:28 UTC
Oh I love miss Patty!!!


peachstock October 9 2006, 18:15:33 UTC
the coloring looks reeeeally good!


echoism October 10 2006, 21:23:02 UTC
thank you!


(The comment has been removed)

echoism October 10 2006, 21:22:49 UTC
I'm not addicted .. I'm not
Sure... ;)


illumined October 9 2006, 18:24:17 UTC
took #9. thanks!


echoism October 10 2006, 21:22:29 UTC
you're welcome!


mangofandango October 9 2006, 18:34:41 UTC
Took 25 - I like these, they're very nice. :) I think they're simple and nicely bright and colorful without being over the top bright and colorful, if you know what I mean. Nice work!


echoism October 10 2006, 21:04:45 UTC


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