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HOUSE: What would you wear?
CUDDY: Well, I'm a sucker for the white gown.
HOUSE: Traditionally for young, first-time brides.
CUDDY: Well, I may not be young but I'll be first time.
HOUSE: That is a lie. You were married before. 1987 for six days. Your knowledge of New Jersey divorce law made me suspicious so I looked it up.
CUDDY: So this was all your trap.
HOUSE: Oh, "trap" is primitive. I prefer "inveiglement." Anyway, the point is, I lied to you, you lied to me, I forgive you....
CUDDY: Well played.
Walkaway #2.
Look at all those champagne fountains! I'm kind of obsessed with the traditional one-- the tower of wide-mouth champagne glasses (coupe! I looked it up). They're so pretty but they apparently make the champagne go flatter, faster, which really just means you should drink it more quickly ;)
Love champagne fountains. And do I spy twinkly lights? Don't ruin twinkly lights for me, Show.
His devious smile right before he says "traditionally." He knows he's got her. Such an ass.
And now the important part: Cuddy was married before!! (sidenote, and I hate to mention it here, but man, was L a crappy PI. Couldn't get info on a previous marriage or adoption proceedings. Sheesh. Don't even care if he found out but didn't say anything because he had ulterior motives, because that's bad, too).
Let's do the math. Cuddy is 43 in 2010, making her 20 in 1987. Fascinating. And impressive that twenty-year-olds could admit they screwed up in six days; I would have thought they'd have dug in a little bit longer. I'm assuming they went to Atlantic City? Amazing. I kind of want to see this guy, though; I'm also assuming she has a type :-)
House has the good graces to look appropriately chagrined. Didn't go quite the way he'd hoped (but had to expect; he's not an idiot, after all, just stubborn). "Now you see, sir, how your fooling grows old, and people dislike it." (quotes are just popping into my head right and left, apparently.) And things were going so well for him, too (I love that they just hang out together; I know they're dating now and of course that's what's going to happen, but it's still fun to see), but he has to be right and he wants her to admit that he's right. Plus, she won't say anything besides "don't lie to me." Not "why." I thought motives mattered? particularly as they've lied to each other before. But, luckily, it gets "resolved" in this episode in such a way that we're sure to see the same issue ("can I trust you?") pop up again. So fun.
At any rate, how pretty do they look? Let's all splash around in the shallow end, shall we? Why is gloating so sexy, for example? I also wonder if the hospital had a pool going...would (1) House show up (2) in a tux and (3) not make a scene. So close.
SAM: You're tired aren't you, all those files?
WILSON: No, no. I was thinking, I mean if those two even have the slightest chance of making it, then we have to be a sure thing. And we've already made all our mistakes.
Oh, but you can make entirely new ones, Wilson, don't worry. Don't underestimate yourself.
"I've come to realize I love you even more than I thought I did." Yikes. Danger, WIll Robinson. "Your sense of morality." Such a romantic.
Oof, it's painful, isn't it? And he just can't put down the shovel. And I can't believe they didn't even talk about getting remarried before WIlson bought the ring. And that he hadn't been planning to say something completely different but focused on the cases instead. And is that a Toni Braxton song in the background?
Walkaway #3. He doesn't see her, or, at least, he doesn't see what she wants him to see. He assumes things about who she is. It's sad, really, because he wants to be happy but can't quite get there. You know, he and Cuddy should have a chat, about wanting one's life to look a certain way and how that doesn't actually work. Ahem.
Technically, walkaway #4: Chase walks away, and Foreman drinks. I suppose it's the accent, but before I thought it was the accent + money, but cute doctor's not too bad. Keep drinking, Foreman; this is what happens when you gloat.
"Rollercoaster of love" HA! Music department was having fun this week.
HOUSE: How many do you think?
FOREMAN: At least three.
HOUSE: Hat trick Chase. See? Life of the bachelor. All of the sex, none of the guilt.
TAUB: It's not over, okay? I just really miscalculated. I thought she'd forgiven me for everything but all those hurt feelings they never really went away.
HOUSE: That makes a lot more sense.
WILSON: Ignore him. He just got an idea.
HOUSE: I have one more test to run.
FOREMAN: I hate weddings.
This is a pretty picture. I like open bars at weddings.
Wait, "guilt," House? Or did you just mean Taub. "I just really miscalculated." No kidding -- and, yes, I am directing that to all of you. (Except Foreman? Why so blue, Foreman? Single cute doctor can't pick up women anymore? Did all the mojo go to Chase?).
I also kind of love that WIlson's just making fun of House's epiphany moments now. And shouldn't he be drinking more? With Foreman, and maybe Taub, and they can talk about how girls are stupid?
Later: But, no, Foreman and Taub have to go back to work. Oh, Taub, no one believes you had a threesome. Quite frankly everyone's a little amazed that you get the women you get. I mean, you do have a certain quality, but you're also an ass. And cowardly. And a cheat. Being a brilliant foil to characters around you only takes you so far :D
HOUSE: You broke your deal with him. Your daughter's fine and you're getting better. Nothing bad happened, which can only mean one thing: there is no god. Of course, if your daughter gets hit with a meteorite today, I going to have some serious egg on my face. You're smiling. I assume that means you're miserable.
Kuno Becker: It means I'm happy. It doesn't mean god doesn't exist, it just means he's truly merciful. My beautiful Marisa was right: God is all about love.
HOUSE: Punishment is proof of god and no punishment is proof of god. Genius argument.
Kuno Becker: No, faith isn't an argument.
MASTERS: Everyone else knew?
HOUSE: Everyone I could trust, so, yeah.
MASTERS: If you had told me he'd be dead by now, so why do I still want to tell the truth?
HOUSE: You're naive or you have scruples. I'm not sure which is worse.
MASTERS: This is insane, we can't work like this.
HOUSE: I can.
And we have epiphany #2. Sort of. And see? Bargaining has no effect. Medicine works or it doesn't. If it doesn't, it's not proof that god (or deity of choice) is punishing you. 'Bye, Kuno Becker!
Oh, Masters. On the plus side, House is actually using the word "trust," so, you know, baby steps. And let's not discount the fact that she can be both naive *and* have scruples. Perhaps she should work on her persuasive skills if she's going to keep telling the patients the truth on this team.
SAM: Sorry, I was hoping to be done before you got home.
WILSON: We had a fight. We had one fight. And I admitted I was wrong. We can talk about it, we can get over it.
SAM: This is about trust.
WILSON: I never lied to you about anything.
SAM: I know. And I always trusted you.
WILSON: I--maybe we can talk to a counselor. You said it helped after our divorce.
SAM: It did and I think I changed a lot.
WILSON: And I haven't? This is my fault?
SAM: I know where this is going and I don't want to go there again.
WILSON: You're quitting, Sam. You are quitting. Again. So I guess you haven't changed that much.
Dramatic exit. So, he doesn't trust her and Sam lies to him? What does she mean by "I know where this is going"? Am I blanking too much on last season's Wilson/Sam stuff? Did he never trust her? He never trusted her enough to talk to her about things...but, then again, she didn't talk to him, either. She didn't talk to him about their divorce and he didn't talk to her about wanting to get married again. Hell, she was hoping to be gone by the time he got home, which, mature. Does he want her, or just wants someone that has known him a long time and is "safer."
I miss Amber. "You're quitting. Just like you quit IVF. / Yeah, just like that. / There you just did it again." Vastly different ending; WIlson just can't catch a break. Just coincidence that Wilson wanted to try again with Sam when he was watching House wrestle with his feelings about Cuddy? Hmm. And why did Wilson want to get married again? I mean, besides that being his answer to everything :)
"We had a fight and I admitted I was wrong." Ooof. Okay, you know what? Just give me my OT3 and Cuddy can kick both their asses.
CUDDY: Good work today. I don't think the patient's going to sue. Looks like everybody's happy.
HOUSE: I've been an idiot. I got this argument stuck in my head: if everybody lies, then trust is not only unfounded and pointless, it's fictional. But trust is not an argument that can be won or lost. I just have to suspend my cynicism and believe. Maybe it's time I took a leap of faith. I'm sorry. I won't lie to you again.
CUDDY: Thank you.
And here is where I started rolling my eyes, so I'm glad the show took the turn it did. But why does Cuddy believe him? She knows him better than that. I mean, yes, it is a good, complete, seemingly sincere apology, but the "never lie to you again"? Come on. That's not going to be possible, it just isn't. They'll keep making new mistakes or make the same ones over and over.
Back in Office Politics, what would have happened if House had just told her that they could confirm with the Senator? The mere fact that the Senator was willing to come to the clinic + the patient's willingness to accept the treatment should be enough in this world. He didn't think she'd agree so he went around her back, like always, but she's been fairly willing to take significant leaps in a professional capacity, so who knows.
The red/pink flowers are rather prominent in this scene.
"If everybody lies, then trust is not only unfounded and pointless, it's fictional." Why does Show insist on dragging me away from the shallow end? I'd rather just focus on the pretty (speaking of which -- House is consistently not wearing tshirts under his dress shirts this season. And look at what Cuddy's wearing. Two can play this game?). "Trust is fictional"? I don't think House actually believes that. He trusts Wilson, he trusts Cuddy on a personal level...just not on a professional level? Way back in season 1, one Cuddy found out about shrinking the POTW's tumor (totally blanking on the episode title, but it was the "Girl in the boys' bathroom. Very dramatic" one), the scene right before the "I'll have my guy call your guy" eye!sex betting fun tiems, House was complaining that Cuddy, by not saying anything, was just lulling him into a false sense of security whereas Wilson was saying maybe she did something nice. Too many games? Or does he trust both only to the extent he's capable. He's stopped testing Wilson; is he going to keep trying to test Cuddy? Or would rather just avoid the whole thing and just work behind her back. She can't protect you (and the hospital) if she doesn't know (the "The Right Stuff" stuff many times does House actually go before the disciplinary committee, anyway?). Plus, apparently the "as your girlfriend/as your boss; as your boyfriend/as your employee" only goes so far? How about: "As your boyfriend, I don't want to lie to you; as your employee, I'm worried that I won't be able to save my patient if I tell you what I know/want to do -- his brain is on fire!! and leave it at that."
WILSON: Sam left me.
HOUSE: What a moron.
WILSON: Too soon. I'm still in love with her.
HOUSE: I meant you.
WILSON: Do you have a drink? Or drinks?
HOUSE: Cuddy's coming over.
WILSON: Does she know you're here?
HOUSE: I apologized to her.
WILSON: Good for you.
HOUSE: Not really. I lied. I just took your advice. Too bad you didn't.
WILSON: Good for you.
Wait, isn't that the phrenology bust that was in his office? The "there's a part of the brain just for hope? / Yes, but it's a very small part" prop?
Heh. WIlson's face on "Does she know you're here?"
But, no, not good! Not good! Madness lies that way, House, taking Wilson's advice. He clearly has absolutely no idea what he's talking about. Then again, you tailored your apology to what you knew Cuddy needed to hear (even if you don't agree with it) whereas Wilson . . . oh, Wilson. I don't think he has any idea what he's doing or what he did wrong. House, again, seems to feel somewhat bad about it; Wilson just keeps doing the same things and he keeps getting crushed by the boulder. He's the Siren *and* Sisyphus of relationships. Man, that is not an easy feat.
So, for the first time, House is in a relationship and WIlson is single?!
::rubbing hands in gleeful anticipation::
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