Fic: Tomorrow

May 14, 2009 00:02

Title: Tomorrow
Length: 700 words
Pairing: John & Rodney
Rating: PG

Now on my Dreamwidth page: all three stories in reading order and with edits on the rough spots that were bothering me... so please read that version!

Sequel to: Where the Heart Is, written for casa_mcshep. Best to read that first ( Read more... )

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Comments 30

helenkacan May 14 2009, 04:46:49 UTC
Mission accomplished. There're tears running down my face and dripping off my chin.

But, you know, I agree with you on the going together thing. And I'm glad that there was a painless, non-violent way for John to join Rodney. But the way you separated that one sentence tore at my heart.

OTOH, I can imagine a sequel where their bodies are eventually found. [And I'd cry all over again.] I know it feels strange to thank you for making me cry; but, then, I think that is one of the best ways to reaffirm our humanity.


eccentricweft May 15 2009, 01:55:27 UTC
Oh wow. Honestly, I'm both elated and abashed to know that I made you cry. Thank you so much for reading it with your emotions unguarded.

I know it feels strange to thank you for making me cry; but, then, I think that is one of the best ways to reaffirm our humanity.

Yes, I agree entirely. I think it's only possible to be compassionate about other people's sorrows if we're able to face our own, and experience them, instead of running away.


sienata May 14 2009, 04:53:10 UTC
that was sad, and definitely not something i want to read on a daily basis, but you handled it beautifully, and in such a short format. great writing, and a haunting but lovely story. thank you. s.


eccentricweft May 15 2009, 01:56:54 UTC
You are so welcome. Thank you too, for letting me share that story.


(The comment has been removed)

eccentricweft May 15 2009, 01:59:51 UTC
Thank you, very much, for reading. I'm glad it touched you.


theantipam May 14 2009, 06:55:07 UTC
Sometimes I feel like such a silly creature for letting my heart be broken over these two - but I suppose we should take comfort in knowing that it means we have a heart!


eccentricweft May 15 2009, 02:08:28 UTC
Oh no, it's not silly. Maybe not easy to explain to non-fans, but not silly at all. They may be fictional characters but love and sacrifice aren't.

Thank you for reading!


scififreak May 14 2009, 07:00:01 UTC
Oh, soooo sad. But beautiful, too. I wonder if someone will find their bodies and it'll be even sadder if turns out that the expedition never stopped looking for them.


eccentricweft May 15 2009, 02:12:04 UTC
I think the people on Atlantis who loved them (Teyla and Ronon, mainly) would never forget them, even if they had to abandon the search...


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