SGA Fic: The Numbers Game: Or, Atlantis Reads Harry Potter

Nov 25, 2007 18:37

This has been languishing on my hard drive, 90% complete, and I had a notion to finish it this evening.

I'm feeling a certain amount of authorial identity crisis. In previous fandoms, I craved angst like a drug, both in my reading and writing. I still do, but don't seem to be able to write it anymore.

Instead, I give you:

The Numbers Game: Or, Atlantis Reads Harry Potter )

mcshep, fanfic

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Comments 30

downloadable08 November 26 2007, 00:39:13 UTC
Awww! I must confess to sharing Rodney's indifference to Harry Potter, but this was absolutely adorable. I have a serious soft spot for stories where the boys trade for gifts for each other, and this hit it with a sledgehammer. Thanks for sharing!


eccentricweft November 26 2007, 04:14:07 UTC
*grin* It's sweet to see what they'll give up for each other, with the extra bonus (though this story didn't have it) of needing to be all secretive and furtive about it!

I'm glad you liked it!!


goddess47 November 26 2007, 00:58:13 UTC
*I* would trade reader number 3 for a footrub from Rodney! In a heartbeat... yup.... mmmmmm......



eccentricweft November 26 2007, 04:14:42 UTC
As any right-thinking girl would do!! :D


theniwokesoftly November 26 2007, 04:50:47 UTC
No kidding!


winkingstar November 26 2007, 01:08:06 UTC
Awww, he traded chocolate! And Dr Who! True love! :D

Cute story!


eccentricweft November 26 2007, 04:15:48 UTC
And he said "good work" to Kavanaugh! That's like giving up a kidney! *laugh* Glad you liked it!


krysalys November 26 2007, 02:09:04 UTC
And here I was hoping that maybe Rodney was also trading numbers to give Carson a better shot as well.
Because Rodney is occasionally thoughtful like that. ;)
So sweet.


eccentricweft November 26 2007, 04:17:05 UTC
Yeah I guess I did leave Carson in the lurch there, didn't I... *scratching head* Maybe Carson did some trading of his own, after all he's in charge of everyone's physicals!



galaxy_song November 26 2007, 02:47:11 UTC
yay I loved this can just imagne Rodney doing this for john I was hoping that by the Rodney would be a fan of harry potter but I geuss that hes a fan of john is just as good.

As a thankyou I think John should get back at Cadman for embarssing Rodney like that.

Grand fic.


eccentricweft November 26 2007, 04:21:29 UTC
Ooh, that's a nice thought - John and Rodney in bed together, doing a little cuddling while they plot their revenge! Laura Cadman, beware! :)

Thank you!


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