Drabble: Stranded

Dec 03, 2012 19:47

Fandom: Primeval
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
Notes: For primeval100: challenge 291: The telephone. Follows on from Found and Rain. I think this could go on for a while; Becker wants to keep the cub and he did ask really nicely…


The wolf cub’s ears flattened and it growled as Becker’s phone rang. He scrambled to silence it, seeing how the shrill sound upset the little cub.

“See? It’s just a phone,” he told it, but the cub continued to growl softly. Had it been fully grown it would have been menacing but on the cub it just looked cute, Becker thought.

He answered the call, listening in dismay as Connor updated him, before turning back to the cub. He offered a hand to it, waiting until it sniffed him cautiously. The anomaly was gone; the poor thing was stranded here.

tv: primeval, fiction: drabble, fiction: gen

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