Kagome leaned back with a long drawn out sigh.
Travel had been difficult that day, and this soak in a hot spring was sorely needed. The basin she lounged in wasn’t overly large, but it was more than adequate. The irregular shape of the pool provided small alcoves with high walls and graduated stone sides, allowing comfortable seating at any level you wished to submerge.
It was in one of these pockets she sat now, up to her chin in the soothing, warm water. Propped back on her elbows, she closed her eyes and breathed in the rich mineral scent, and allowed herself to relax completely.
The sound of metal popped her eyes open. She held very still, listening. Another sound, this time more muffled. She cautiously leaned forward and peered around the outcropping of rock that currently shielded her. She let out a small gasp of surprise.
She realized the sounds she heard were his swords and armor hitting the ground. Now, as she watched, he finished disrobing and stepped into the water.
Kagome felt her face turn bright red and jumped back in a panic. Her mind raced. He obviously didn’t know she was here. Maybe the heavy mineral odor prevented him from smelling her. What should she do? She decided she would just wait him out. She would get out as soon as he left.
It was a simple plan, one that required nothing on her part except to keep quiet and wait. It shouldn’t take too long after all; he surely has other things to do. She sat back and waited. Minutes passed. She didn’t hear anything, so she took a quick peek.
He was still sitting there, with his eyes closed. She returned to her seat. The water felt warmer now, almost uncomfortable. Perspiration began to form on her upper lip. She moved up a level on the rocks to try and cool herself a bit.
More minutes passed. The temperature of the water was really becoming annoying. Her hair was becoming heavy with all the steam and she was beginning to sweat profusely. She moved over to check on him again. Maybe he left, and she missed it. No, he was still there as before, showing no signs of leaving.
He didn’t appear to be suffering the same effects she was. He looked calm, relaxed and cool, even. Kagome didn’t know how much more she could take. She felt trapped. She was becoming dizzy from the heat, her clothes were nowhere near her, and she couldn’t come out of the water any higher while still remaining modest.
If he didn’t leave soon…, she shook her head, not wanting to follow that train of thought.
Sesshoumaru barely maintained his composure. He knew she was there all along. Releasing more of his youki, he pushed the temperature of the water higher. Any minute now, the miko 'frog' would be forced to spring.