Mon, 18:08: @ PressSec You're a fucking shill to a 2 bit snake oil salesman. That makes you lower than low. You have to try & sell dog shit to the public
Mon, 19:39: @ DevinNunes Recuse yourself from these hearings. You cannot be impartial. You are beyond biased, after being part of the transition team.
Tue, 20:00: @ democracy_fire Ok, here's what we should agree on. Bernie pushed important issues & brought out new blood. DNC needs to capitalize & unite
Tue, 20:03: @ democracy_fire We have more pressing issues than squabbles that tear us apart when we need to be strong together.
Fri, 15:15: @ funder Keep up your good work. We smart ones know that Putin hates & wants to crush Democracy by any means necessary. Trump is corrupted.
Wed, 06:30: Tornado watch tonight, 60 degrees outside at midnight. It's going to be 40 Friday when I get married outside in the afternoon. Ohio Weather.
Tue, 05:15: RT @ MSinesiou: @ BraddJaffy HOW does a person in his 70s not know that in war NO ONE wins? UGH!So sick of this $#!+ Someone pull out the #Mo…