Title: RussLat Comic [Real origional huh?] Characters/pairing(s): RussLat [and one panel of PoLiet, figured I might as well mention it here] Rating: G Gifter: Valliika Giftee: mad_kitty12
That's really cute. I love how you used symbols instead of dialogue (Although it's hard to know exactly what they're saying in some panels it's easy to get a general idea) it makes it seem a little childish but along with the drawing style it creates a huge sense of innocence. It's just really nice to see RusLat without any dark overtones for a change.
It was actually really creative and effective, but, like Magenta said, it was difficult to understand at some points. However, I loved it. Wonderful job and ridiculously cute.
Comments 7
I love this so, so much <3
Thank you! <3
Yeah, I was kind worried about wether the psuedo-Wingding speak was going to be understandable...
*steals sheep!Russia when you aren't looking*
( ... )
Yeah, if I ever want to do that psuedo-wingding speak again, I'll definatly have one or two people read it first and see if they understand it ^-^;
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