95% of all eggs produced in America, including the eggs served at EMU, come from hens confined in battery cages. These cages, which typically contain 6-8 hens (some sources claim as many as 11!), provide approximately 70 square inches for each hen - less than the size of an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper!
Students for Animal Rights at EMU is currently running a petition drive to ask dining services to change their egg purchasing practices to a cage free source. Although many of us are vegans and vegetarians, we recognize the fact that most people not. We are not asking anyone to change their eating habits or lifestyles (at least not as part of this campaign ;) ). All we are asking is that you take a look at our
online petition and sign it if you agree with us. If you do decide to sign, please use your emich.edu e-mail address when filling out the petition. WE will not e-mail you or do anything with your signature other than use it check for duplicate signatures against the paper petitions that we are making available around campus.
ETA: I should also mention that I AM NOT AFFILIATED WITH PETA IN ANY WAY.