'children of men'

Oct 11, 2006 14:13

at the weekend scousecat and mymouse and i went to the cinema and watched the film 'children of men'.

i really enjoyed it. its bleakness, and so-easily-conceivable-of-as-happening-within-the-future-of-where-we're-at-now-ness, both appealed *grin*
i think i enjoyed it as much for/more for it's cinematogrpahy, and concepts, than for its story and characters.

i was struck by how being able to understand what the non-english-speaking-characters who were speaking languages i had some knowledge of/skill in lent quite a bit to my experience of the film, and wondering what i'd missed through not knowing the other languages. mymouse and scousecat said that you got the gist of what anyone was saying/intimating... but *shrug* i enjoyed the more than the gist i got of some - especially marichka - and would've appreciated the fuller picture understanding other languages spoken would've given. at the same time i think it was right that non-english langauges were left unsubtitled - both in the change of focus subtitling would have brought about, and in the experiences of confusion it lends to some scenes for some, and insiderness to others for others.

film, language

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