Ficlet: When the Whole World Fits Inside of Your Arms (GH, Robin/Patrick, Lana Verse)

Jul 13, 2008 14:20

Title: When the Whole World Fits Inside of Your Arms
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 7 - Cuddle
Pairing/Character(s): Robin/Patrick, Lana, Matt
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Robin and Patrick aren't mine. Lana and Matt are.
Word Count: 655
Spoilers/Warnings: It's all AU.
Summary: Laugh all you want, we’ll see what the future holds.
Author's Notes: Written for theechochorus.

Robin was trying not to fall back asleep, when Patrick walked in holding Matt. “Hey,” she said, struggling to sit up. “Is everything okay?”

“He’s fine, just a little fussy. I think he wanted his Mommy.” Patrick handed Matt over to Robin and crawled back under the covers. He reached out to shake Matt’s foot. “Didn’t you, sport?”

“Did you want your Mommy?” Robin cooed softly, cuddling Matt close. She looked over at Patrick. “Would you mind going and getting a bottle for him? We may as well feed him since he’s up and it’s unlikely he’ll fall back asleep.”

Patrick sighed heavily. “I get it,” he teased. “I’m only good for being your errand boy. I see how it is.” He pressed a kiss to the top of Robin’s head and slid back out of bed. “I’ll bring back your medication, too, so you don’t have to get up for awhile yet.” He headed out of the bedroom.

“Thank you!” Robin called after Patrick’s back. She looked down at Matt. “Your Daddy is so good to us, you know that? You have the best Dad and best big sister in the world, don’t ever forget that.” She glanced up and saw Lana standing in the doorway. “What are you doing up, sweetie? It’s early.”

Lana rubbed her eyes and walked over to the bed to look at Matt. “I heard moving around, so I got up to see what it was. Where’s Daddy?”

“He went to get Matt’s breakfast,” Robin explained. “Why don’t you come up here with us?”

“Okay.” Lana started to climb up on the bed, crawling over Robin’s legs, so she was in the middle of the bed, where she always ended up. She curled up against Robin’s side, playing idly with Matt’s toes.

He kicked back in response.

“Mommy, I think he’s ticklish,” Lana said wondrously.

“Well, you’re pretty ticklish yourself, so that would make sense,” Robin said, tickling Lana’s side lightly with her free hand.

Lana twisted slightly, laughing and trying to get her mother to stop. “Mommy, mommy, no!” She squealed.

“Is your Mommy being bad?” Patrick asked from the doorway, as he walked in carrying Matt’s bottle, a glass of water, and Robin’s pill case. He set the water and pills down on Robin’s night stand, handing the bottle over to Robin. He crossed back to his side of the bed and slid under the covers one more time.

Lana immediately changed allegiances, plastering herself to Patrick’s side. “She was tickling me, Daddy.”

“Tickling you?” Patrick repeated, shock running through his voice. “That wasn’t very nice of her.”

Lana nodded her head in agreement against his chest. “You won’t tickle me, will you?”

Patrick wrapped his arms tightly around his tiny daughter. “No, I promise I’ll protect you from your mean Mommy.”

“Thank you for casting me as the villain in this piece,” Robin said dryly as she fed Matt his bottle. “But that’s fine, Matt and I can totally take you two on if that’s how you want to play.”

Lana giggled. “Matt can’t do anything, Mommy. He’s just a baby.”

“Ah, but he’ll grow up to be big and strong and he’ll be on my side when the two of you gang up against me.” She looked down at Matt and rocked him slightly. “Won’t you, baby boy?”

He gurgled in response.

“See!” Robin crowed. “He’s my boy.” She looked over at father and daughter who had identical, dimpled smiles on their faces. “Laugh all you want, we’ll see what the future holds.”

“Mommy, you’re silly,” Lana said, amusement in her voice.

“Yeah, Mommy, you’re silly,” Patrick echoed, giving into laughter when Robin shot him an “I am not amused” look in response.

They continued to debate, Matt and Robin and Patrick and Lana, all cuddled up together in bed.

Robin was right. It was going to be the natural pattern for years to come.

couple: robin scorpio/patrick drake, character: matt drake, character: lana drake, fandom: general hospital, lanaverse, prompts: theechochorus

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