Ficlet: Let Go of Your Busy Day (GH, Robin/Patrick, Lana Verse)g

Jul 13, 2008 14:00

Title: Let Go of Your Busy Day
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 90 - Lullaby
Pairing/Character(s): Robin/Patrick, Lana
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Any characters first belonging on GH do not belong to me. The Drake siblings do.
Word Count: 1,065 (okay, I suck at the word limit thing)
Spoilers/Warnings: This is all AU.
Summary: She sang to him softly, the lullaby that Robin had sung to her when she was a baby and still did when she was sick.
Author's Notes: For sugarpromises on the occasion of her birthday. Written for theechochorus. Remember that thing I mentioned about stories appearing out of order and maybe out of context? This would be one of those. Context for the title posted at the end of the ficlet.

“Patrick?” Robin called up the stairs. “Have you seen Lana?” When he didn’t answer, she heaved a sigh and headed up them herself.

The month since they’d brought Matt home from the hospital had been an adjustment for everyone, especially Lana. She’d been the center of her parents universe since the day she arrived, and leaning to share the spotlight with her younger brother had been hard.

“Patrick?” Robin called again, this time more quietly. He’d come upstairs half an hour ago to put Matt down for the night, and she didn’t want to wake the baby if he was asleep, for everyone’s sake.

Patrick’s head popped out from the nursery. He crooked a finger, gesturing for her to join him, a wide smile on his face.

Robin complied, and as she stepped next to him, she asked, “What are you so happy about?”

“Shsh,” he said. “Look.” He nodded his head at what was going on inside the nursery.

Robin turned her head, and melted. “Oh,” she breathed, a smile breaking out on her own face.

Inside the nursery, Lana sat in the rocking chair under the window, her little brother cradled carefully in her arms. She sang to him softly, the lullaby that Robin had sung to her when she was a baby and still did when she was sick.

Patrick’s arm wrapped around Robin’s shoulders and she leaned her head against his chest as they listened to their daughter sing their son to sleep.

“Sail away to slumber land, on a sea of happy dreams. Dream of crisp blue summer skies, dream rainbows and butterflies,” Lana sang softly, rocking Matt carefully in her arms, legs dangling in air. She looked up at her parents and whispered, “Daddy, I think he’s asleep.”

Patrick crossed from the doorframe to where his children sat and crouched down next to them. He looked down at Matt, and whispered back, “I think you’re right. Hold on, okay?” Carefully he transferred the baby from Lana’s arms to his own, and rose. Looking down at Lana he added, “Why don’t you go wait with your Mom while I finish putting him to bed?”

“Okay,” Lana whispered. She slid out of the chair and went to stand in the door with Robin, who immediately wrapped her arms around her daughter.

Patrick stepped over to the crib and set Matt down inside. He covered him with a blanket, and then reached out to turn on the baby monitor next to the crib. Taking one final look down at his son, he walked across the room to where Robin and Lana stood. Bending down slightly, he picked Lana up and settled her on his hip, wrapping his other arm back around Robin’s shoulders.

Silently the three of them headed back down the stairs to the living room. Patrick sat down on the couch, transferring Lana to the space between him and Robin.

Robin spoke first. “Sweetie, that was very nice of you to sing your brother to sleep like that,” she said, stroking her hand against Lana’s long hair. “I’m very proud of you.”

Lana shrugged. “It isn’t a big deal.”

“No, I think it is,” Patrick said. “You’re going to be a great big sister. Matt’s lucky to have you.”

“If you say so,” Lana shrugged again. She looked up at her parents faces. “Can we watch a movie now? Just the three of us?”

“Hm,” Robin said, looking at the clock. “It’s kind of late to start a movie, what do you think Dad?”

“Please Daddy?” Lana said, her most winsome, ‘I have my father wrapped around my finger’ expression on her face.

Patrick looked down at her and sighed. He slid his glance over to Robin. “I say that if someone goes and changes into her pajamas and brushes her teeth now, and picks a short movie, we can definitely watch one. That sound okay to you, sugar plum?” He asked, tickling Lana’s sides lightly.

“Yes!” She squealed, trying to bat Patrick’s hands away. She looked up at her mother. “Is that okay, mom?”

Robin smiled. “I think that sounds great.” She stood. “So you need to pick a movie, and go get ready for bed. What do you want to watch?”

“Um,” Lana thought for a moment. Then her face brightened. “Sleeping Beauty?”

Patrick frowned slightly. “Are you sure? The dragon isn’t going to give you bad dreams?”

Lana adopted her most dignified, ‘I am smarter than my parents’ look and said, “I’m a big sister now. A silly movie isn’t going to give me bad dreams.” She slid off the couch and headed up the stairs to change for bed, calling behind her, “I’ll be back in a minute!”

Robin and Patrick looked at each other and chuckled softly.

“Guess she told us,” Robin remarked as she walked over to the television to set the DVD up. Finished, she crossed back over to Patrick and sank down next to him on the couch. “Our girl’s all grown up, Patrick,” she said teasingly, looking up at his pouting expression.

“She is not grown up,” he insisted. “And you are very mean to rub that idea in my face.”

Robin reached up to stroke his cheek. “But you’re so cute when you get all flustered over her.”

Patrick raised an eyebrow. “Oh really? Well, we’ll see how cute you find this,” he leered as he pressed her back into the couch cushions, kissing her intently. They quickly became absorbed in each other and forgot about their surroundings till “Ew!!!!!!!!” penetrated their consciousness.

Robin and Patrick stilled, slowly their lips parted and they turned their heads in unison to see Lana dressed in her favorite pink nightgown, a disgusted expression on her face. Her nose scrunched up and she said, “Do you two always have to kiss?”

Patrick sat back up and pulled Robin with him. “I’m afraid so,” he said dryly. “Now are we going to watch your movie?”

“Yes!” She said excitedly, climbing back into her spot between them.

Robin reached over to grab a throw blanket, covering herself and Lana with it, as Patrick reached for the remote to hit play.

Lana snuggled into Robin’s side and Patrick wrapped his arm around their shoulders, and the three of them settled back into the couch.

As the movie started to play, the Drake family were all perfectly content.

Lyrics to the lullaby Lana sings Matt:

Let go of your busy day
Let it all just slip away.
Hush-a-by, hush-a-by,
Go to sleep,
Close your eyes.
Sail away to slumber land,
On a sea of happy dreams.
Dream of crisp blue summer skies,
Dream rainbows and butterflies.
Let go of your busy day,
Let it all just slip away.
Hush-a-by, hush-a-by,
Go to sleep,
Close your eyes.

(BTW, If anyone knows where this is from, I'd be most appreciative. It's a song from when I was a kid, but I have no idea where my mom learned it.

couple: robin scorpio/patrick drake, character: matt drake, character: lana drake, fandom: general hospital, lanaverse, prompts: theechochorus

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