Ficlet: Wanted to Be One of You (GH, Sam)

Jul 13, 2008 10:52

Title: Wanted to be One of You
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 37 - Jealousy
Pairing/Character(s): Sam
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count: 245
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Summary: The fact that Alexis had given her up made her feel that she was loved a little less.
Author's Notes: Written for theechochorus. Title from Sheryl Crow's "On the Outside".

It was crazy to be jealous of two little girls.

Sam understood that, but when she watched Alexis be open and loving with Molly and Kristina, she couldn’t quite help it. They had what she’d always wanted; a mother to love and protect them with every fiber of her being, and fathers that however misguided their attempts at the same were, that tried to do the same.

To her, that was something out of a fairy tale that she’d never had the luxury of believing.

She knew that she could be a part of it if she chose. Despite what she’d done, Alexis had long since forgiven her, and she wanted Sam to be her daughters big sister. Sam loved Molly and Kristina, loved spending time with them, but the familial closeness never quite clicked.

For all that she’d always wanted it, she couldn’t quite accept it being possible now.

And maybe, underneath all of it, she still didn’t understand why this couldn’t have been her life all along.

It was totally unfair to be upset that Alexis hadn’t kept her. Alexis had been sixteen and under the thumb of an incredibly controlling and psychotic father. But still, Sam couldn’t help feeling that she’d have been better off with the Cassadine’s than with the McCall’s.

The fact that Alexis had given her up made her feel that she was loved a little less.

Above all else, that was a feeling that Sam was tired of.

character: sam mccall, fandom: general hospital, prompts: theechochorus

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