Ficlet: Love to Lay Here Lazy (GH, Robin/Patrick, Lana Verse)

Jul 13, 2008 10:49

Title: Love to Lay Here Lazy
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 40 - Pillow Talk
Pairing/Character(s): Robin/Patrick
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Robin and Patrick are not mine, Lana Drake is.
Word Count: 779 (my bad)
Spoilers/Warnings: Third fic in the Lana Drake-verse.
Summary: Sometimes waking up was the best part of her day.
Author's Notes: Written for theechochorus. Title from Jack Johnson's "Banana Pancakes". This scene is shamelessly stolen from the Naley/Jamie scene from 5.14. It is a pale imitation of the original.

The morning sun shone in through the cracks in the blinds.

Slowly, Robin cracked an eye open and peered over at the clock on the nightstand. Seeing that it was still early, she closed her eyes again, hoping for a few more moments of sleep before starting her day.

A pair of arms snaking around her waist and a series of kisses to the side of her neck prevented that from happening, however.

Eyes still closed, she murmured, “Morning,” before rolling over to the sight of her husband’s face. Even after four years of marriage and another two of dating, the sight of him, rumpled and tousled with sleep, could take her breath away.

He smiled slightly and his dimple winked out at her. “Morning,” Patrick returned, before leaning forward to kiss her.

Before he could close the gap between them, a pair of feet popped up between them.

Surprised, Robin leaned back and looked at Patrick quizzically. “When did she wind up in here?”

He shrugged sheepishly. “Around two, she had a nightmare and wanted to sleep with us.”

Robin laughed at him gently. “You are such a softy,” she teased. She reached out a hand to stroke his cheek. “And you know, it’s incredibly sexy.”

Patrick arched an eyebrow and said “Oh, really?”, all the while reaching for Robin, but again, the pair of feet between them blocked his access.

This time Robin’s laughter was genuine, and loud enough to cause the owner of the feet to poke her head up from the opposite direction. “Mommy?” Lana propped herself up on her elbows and looked at her parents, confused, eyes still heavy with sleep. “What’s so funny?”

Robin and Patrick looked over at each other, as Robin said, “Oh, nothing sweetie,” and with the ease of years of silent communication, they both reached down towards their daughter and began tickling her.

Lana shrieked with laughter and began squirming as if to get away. “Mommy, daddy, no,” she cried, all the while really moving herself closer to her parents hands.

Not taking his hands off his daughter, Patrick looked over at Robin and said, “I don’t know, Mom, think she’s had enough?”

“Hmm,” Robin considered. Looking down at Lana’s shaking form, she asked, “What do you think, missy? Had enough?”

“Yes!” Lana managed to cry out between spurts of laughter.

Relenting, Patrick flipped his daughter right side up, so that she was facing the same direction as her parents. Immediately she snuggled in between them, resting her head on Patrick’s chest. “That wasn’t very nice,” Lana scolded her parents.

Robin and Patrick exchanged a look over her head. Robin reached out and stroked a hand through Lana’s messy hair. “We’re sorry sweetheart,” she said as contritely as she could. “Mommy and Daddy were very bad.”

“Yes, you were,” she said matter-of-factly, in a tone that was eerily like Robin’s.

Patrick burst out laughing, and when Robin shot him a look, Patrick protested, “What? There is no doubt she’s your daughter.”

Lana raised her head off Patrick’s chest and looked up at her parents. “You’re silly.” Shifting herself from Patrick to Robin, she wrapped her arms around Robin’s neck and asked, “Mommy, what’s for breakfast?”

“I think that since Daddy has been so mean and is laughing at us, he should make breakfast this morning, what do you think?” Robin cuddled her daughter, and two practically identical faces looked over at Patrick expectantly.

He heaved a heavy sigh. “I suppose I could cook breakfast for my two favorite girls.” He reached out and tweaked Lana’s nose. “What are you two in the mood for?”

Robin whispered something in Lana’s ear, and Lana nodded excitedly. “We want French toast, Daddy,” she announced.

“French toast?” Patrick considered. “I think I can manage that.” He slid out from under the covers and stood, stretching his arms above his head. He reached back out and pulled Lana to him, saying “Come here, you monkey.” He lifted her to his hip, and said, “If I’m making breakfast, you need to go get dressed for pre-school, so Mommy can go take her meds. Do you think you’re a big enough girl to do that by yourself?”

Lana nodded. “Of course I am,” she said in a practically offended tone.

Robin bit back a laugh at the sight of father and daughter looking at each other with exasperation.

“Alright then,” Patrick said, as he carried Lana from the room.

“I’ll be in to help you in a minute, sweetie” Robin called after them. When they disappeared from sight, she leaned back against the headboard and smiled.

Sometimes waking up was the best part of her day.

couple: robin scorpio/patrick drake, character: lana drake, fandom: general hospital, lanaverse, prompts: theechochorus

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