fic: down by my lover's side (rpf; john mayer/taylor swift; pg)

Jul 17, 2010 21:35

Title: down by my lover's side
Author: empressearwig
Pairing/Fandom: John Mayer/Taylor Swift
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~640
Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is all for fun. This hasn't happened. At least not yet. Etc.
Summary: They take two honeymoons.
Author's Notes: Written for the prompt "honeymoon" for schmoop_bingo and for leobrat who is their biggest fan.

They take two honeymoons. )

prompts: schmoop_bingo, person: john mayer, person: taylor swift, fandom: rpf (general), pairing: john mayer/taylor swift

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Comments 9

leobrat July 18 2010, 02:31:26 UTC
He is so bloody ROMANTIC with her. I just...I sigh, is what I do.

I've sort of wondered 'who did what' in your mind, whether he was the one freaked out by the press and she just kind of gave that wild-abandon Taylor smile at the whole thing; or if he had moved past caring after all he'd been through and she was still guided and still worried.

And I love the idea of them writing on their honeymoon, of John making sure that they are at a villa with a music room (obviously it's for his benefit as well as hers). If I had *any* hand at poetry, I'd try to attempt to write some song lyrics for them.

And I think we've talked about this, but I love their age difference? John has not exactly had a *difficult* life but I do think he's very jaded and it would take someone like this to make him really love life again. *Really* love life, not just search through pain and reality to find moments of truth and beauty, like the bohemian he tries to be.


empressearwig July 18 2010, 11:59:06 UTC
Hm, I kind of think they both do their best to ignore the press and they go from there. I mean, he was obviously conscious of some of the things the press was going to say when they got together; it's why he waited. But I think he got most of that out of his system before they so much as had a date.

Oh, their age difference is the very best thing about them. I love it.


perfectlystill July 20 2010, 21:46:44 UTC
I love this a whole lot. The vision you have of them is so perfect. They're both exactly the way I imagine them and the way they interact is stunning and it works so well. Him buying those magazines and reading them to her is among my favorite things to have ever been written, omg. I can see that happening and it is wondrous.

Okay, this is a bunch of babble because mostly I am just flailing. I will never get over the fact that I ship them and that other people do too and that you have written fic of them. ILU.


empressearwig July 20 2010, 22:09:05 UTC
Hee, yay! I love when people say they're how they picture them, because omg, I feel like I'm just making up total bullshit more than normal most of the time. (Also, holy pronoun hell. If you followed that, I tip my hat to you.) And the magazine thing had to happen, it sprung fully formed into my head and I just had to transcribe it. Because yes.



irishmizzy July 22 2010, 19:01:43 UTC
HOW DID I MISS THIS. Man, sometimes I forget how many feeeeelings these two give me. WAY TO MAKE ME REMEMBER. Brb, listening to White Horse for the rest of the afternoon.


empressearwig July 22 2010, 21:17:49 UTC
Haha, I always forget too, and then I write fic and did you see the speech he gave introducing her at that awards thing?! Tell me they're not real again.


myr_soleil December 31 2010, 15:50:55 UTC
Aww, this is so sweet. And kind of how I wish it could be. I loved the gossip magazines and how he tried to make her laugh. ♥


empressearwig December 31 2010, 16:11:08 UTC


ladycroft1 February 23 2012, 04:15:07 UTC
I read this a long time ago but I stumbled upon it again just now and I'm so glad I did! I'd forgotten how sweet it was. I love how ridiculously romantic it is, and how they interact with each other. I love how you can sense the way they can let go around each other.

Le sigh.


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