Fic: The After (OTH, Brooke/Julian)

Jan 23, 2009 18:36

TITLE: The After
AUTHOR: earwig
PAIRING: Brooke/Julian
SUMMARY: Sex has never been her problem.
SPOILERS: Set immediately after 6x15.
DISCLAIMER: The characters of the One Tree Hill belong to their owner. No copyright infringement intended.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks to leobrat for reading this first.

Brooke likes sex.

She's not ashamed of that, has never been ashamed of that.

Sex has never been her problem.

What comes after is.

Which is why, later, after, when she's curled up in her bed, wrapped in Julian's arms, skin damp with sweat and sex (really amazing sex), she expects things to be awkward. She expects there to be that moment where one or both of them wonders what they've done, what it means.

For god's sake, he asked her to go steady.

Surely that calls for some residual awkwardness.

But it doesn't come. It just feels right, in a way that she doesn't remember feeling since maybe Lucas, and god, she is not going to think about her ex-boyfriend that is engaged to her best friend while she's in bed with her best friend's ex-boyfriend.

She's not.

Underneath her, Julian rolls over, shifting onto his side, propping his head up on one hand, looking down on her. "I can hear you thinking, you know," he murmurs, as his other hand traces absent patterns on her skin.

She arches an eyebrow, adjusting herself so that she's mimicking his position. "You can?"

He nods. "What are you thinking about?"

She considers lying for a moment, afraid of sounding ridiculous, but opts for honesty instead. He did ask her to go steady, after all. If he's not afraid of looking ridiculous, why should she be? "About how weird this isn't."

"How weird this isn't," he repeats.

She nods.

"Were you expecting it to be weird?"

"It's been my experience it usually is," she says wryly. She frowns, realizing the opening she left him. "And don't even think about..."

"I wouldn't dare," he interrupts.

She smiles, despite herself. "Good."

He smiles back, and she's sure they look absolutely foolish, grinning at each other like a couple of besotted idiots. Which she supposes they are.

"So why were you expecting it to be weird?" he asks finally, returning to the matter at hand.

She shrugs. "I don't know. Peyton, the movie -" She doesn't get any further before he's cutting her off.

"Wait, wait. You were thinking about Peyton while we were in bed together?" he demands. "I mean, I'm a guy, I'm not saying I wouldn't be into that, but I didn't think you would be."

The twinkle in his eye and laugh in his voice gives him away, but it doesn't stop her from scowling at him anyway.

He does laugh at that, reaching out and pulling her closer to him. "Brooke."

She's still scowling. "Julian."

"What is the problem?"

"You asked me to go steady! I don't think I even got asked that in high school."

At that, he looks intrigued. "Really? I read the book, I would have thought that Lucas..." He frowns. "You know, between you and me and Peyton and Lucas, it could be just a little crowded in here."

She nods, a triumphant expression on her face. "See, weird."

"No," he corrects. "Not if we don't let it." He smirks, rolling on top of her. "Besides, if I can't banish the ghosts of old relationships while we're having sex, well then I'm clearly not trying hard enough."

His hand slides down her body, skimming across her curves, and she bites back a moan.

He kisses her, deeply, urgently, tangling their tongues together, reducing her world to what he's doing to her, with her. Till there's no one but him. No one but them.

When she tears her lips away, needing to breathe, she manages, "You know, I think that's going to work."

He doesn't answer, but she can feel the smirk against her lips as he takes them again.

No matter the rest, she thinks to herself as he takes her under, the sex is definitely not weird.

The sex is fucking fantastic.

And for the moment, that's all she has it in her to care about.

fandom: one tree hill, couple: brooke davis/julian baker

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