Fic: Here Comes the Sun (GH, Lila/Morgan, Lanaverse)

Nov 24, 2008 11:58

Title: Here Comes the Sun
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 54 - Sunrise
Pairing/Character(s): Lila/Morgan
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine, sadly.
Word Count: 975
Spoilers/Warnings: Part of the Lanaverse.
Summary: He had to kiss her.
Author's Notes: Written for theechochorus.

Morgan stood under Lila’s window. The sky was still dark, but hints of light were starting to creep through.

He bent down and scooped up a handful of pebbles from the ground. He threw one up at the window and waited.

When she didn’t come to see what it was, he threw another, and waited again.

As he was preparing to throw a third, her windows flew open and a more disheveled than he’d ever seen before Lila appeared in view. She peered down at the ground, and spotted Morgan. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she hissed.

“Good morning to you, too,” Morgan called up cheerfully.

“Keep your voice down!” she exclaimed in hushed tones. “Do you want to get me in trouble?”

“No…” he drawled in a softer voice. “So come down here.”

Lila looked confused. “What? Now?”

He nodded. “Five minutes. I’ll meet you down by the lake.” He turned and headed in that direction without waiting for a response.

She stared after him for a moment, shaking her head. Then she turned from her window and started to get dressed.


Closer to ten minutes later, Lila made her way down to the lake. She found Morgan sitting on the edge of the dock, and she flushed a little, remembering the last time she’d been sitting in that exact same spot. Banishing all thoughts of Spencer from her mind, she seated herself next to Morgan.

He looked over at her. “You’re late.”

She yawned, shrugging her shoulders as she did. “Be glad I came at all. I need my beauty sleep.”

Morgan shook his head, taking the sight of her in. She’d taken the time to smooth back her hair, but her unmade up face and sweat suit clad body was as appealing as the polished exterior that she normally presented to the world. Maybe more. “Believe me, you’re beautiful regardless.”

She looked at him skeptically, but the complete sincerity in his eyes told her that he meant it. A hint of pink tinted her cheeks. “Well, thank you,” she murmured, dropping her head to his shoulder, so he couldn’t see. Lila Alcazar did not blush, and no one would know that she could. Not even Morgan. “So what am I doing out here instead of tucked under my covers?”

Morgan closed his eyes for a moment, as a vision of Lila sprawled out on a bed, most decidedly not sleeping, appeared fully formed in his mind’s eye. He shook his head to try to erase it. “I wanted to watch the sun come up, and thought you might want to watch with me.”

She smiled. “That’s sweet. I confess, my sun coming up experiences have been limited to finally falling into bed around that time.”

He really wished she’d stop talking about beds. It made him want to act on impulses he had no intention of acting on. “I thought that might be the case.”

They lapsed into silence, simply watching the colors of the sky change as the sun crept higher on the horizon.

When the sun was finally up, Lila tilted her head to look at Morgan. “I should probably get back,” she said with regret. “But it’ll shock the hell out of Alice that she doesn’t have to drag me bodily out of bed and to my date with the forces of evil.”

Morgan laughed and stood, reaching out a hand to help pull Lila to her feet. “Still not loving your tutors?” he teased. “You know they’re -”

Whatever he was going to say was cut off by Lila’s curvy little body colliding with his. It took all his self control to bite back a moan, as his hands clutched onto her more tightly in his attempt to steady her.

“Oops,” she laughed, grasping onto his shoulders. Her face tilted up to look at him, and it was the most free and open that Morgan had ever seen her, and suddenly he couldn’t resist any longer. He had to kiss her.

So he did.

He thought he saw a flash of surprise in her eyes before he fused his lips to hers. But if she was surprised it didn’t show in the way she threw herself into the kiss, rising on her toes, winding her arms around his neck, and molding her body so closely to his that Morgan couldn’t tell where he started and she left off.

He let himself have just a moment of the reckless insanity that he’d always known kissing her would bring.

Then he pulled back, holding her an arm’s length away from him.

She looked up at him in confusion. “Why’d you stop?” she panted. She tried to move closer, presumably to pick things up where he’d left off, but he held her back.

He shook his head. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

Lila looked like she wanted to stamp her foot in frustration. “Yes, you should have,” she insisted. “You should have done it a long time ago.”

“Lila…” he sighed, dropping his hands from her shoulders and rubbing them across his face. “It’s not that simple.”

Now she got angry. “You know what Morgan? It really is. I want you, and you’ve apparently figured out that you want me, so it is that simple.”

She threw herself back into his arms with an urgent demanding kiss that left him helpless to do anything but respond.

But it was over in the blink of an eye, and she was brushing past him. “Give me a call when you figure it out,” she called back over her shoulder as she headed back towards the main house.

Morgan turned to watch her walk away. When she was no longer visible, he dropped back down to the dock with a sigh.

All he’d wanted to do was watch the sunrise.

fandom: gh the next generation, triangle: morgan/lila/spencer, couple: lila alcazar/morgan corinthos, fandom: general hospital, lanaverse, prompts: theechochorus

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