Ficlet: Stealing Cinderella (GH, Robin/Patrick, Lana/Jake)

Aug 16, 2008 16:04

Title: Stealing Cinderella
Author: empressearwig
Claim: Children of Robin Scorpio and Patrick Drake
Fandom: General Hospital
Theme: 8 - Prom Night
Disclaimer: No character first appearing on General Hospital belong to me.

Patrick sat across the room from a visibly nervous, tuxedo clad, Jake Spencer. He stared at the boy, unblinking, while they waited for Lana to make her way down the stairs.

It was times like this, times when Patrick had to remember that his little girl had a boyfriend, that made him forget that he’d always liked the boy whom he was now trying to intimidate into behaving.

“So, Jake,” Patrick began ominously. “What are the plans for tonight?”

Jake tugged his collar away from his neck. “We’re heading to my friend Ben’s house for pictures and then we’re going to the Metrocourt for dinner and the dance.”

“And after?”

Jake gulped. “We were going to go back to the school, for the after party they’re having? I mean, Dr. Scorpio-Drake said it was okay, but if it’s not, we can come straight back here, sir…” the boy rambled nervously, eyeing Patrick warily, scared that at any moment Patrick might lunge over the ottoman to strangle him.

“No, that’s fine.” Patrick smiled broadly. “Just making sure you weren’t dumb enough to book a hotel room for after the dance.” He stared at Jake intently, looking for any sign that the boy might have been lying about their plans.

A look of terror crossed Jake’s face. “No, sir. Not that dumb.”


Jake cast a frantic glance up the stairs. “Shouldn’t Lana be ready by now?”

Patrick laughed and said companionably, “Son, if there’s one thing you need to learn, it’s that women will never be on time when there’s formal attire involved.”

“I heard that,” Robin called, as she hurried down the stairs. “Jake, glad to see you’re still breathing.” She leaned over to straighten his bow tie slightly. “You look very handsome.” She crossed over to sit on the arm of Patrick’s chair, leaning against her husband.

Jake blushed. “Thanks Robin.” A hint of desperation crept into his voice. “Where’s Lana?”

“She’ll be down in a second. She’s just doing a little last minute primping.” She looked down at Patrick. “Did you behave?”

“Do you see any blood on Jake’s clothes?” Patrick countered.

“There better not be any blood on my boyfriends clothes, Daddy,” Lana said haughtily as she make her way slowly down the stairs, mindful of her four inch heels. Having inherited her mother’s stature, she’d also developed the same affection for footwear that helped make up for it.

Jake sprung to his feet and stared agog at Lana. “You, you look beautiful,” he managed to stammer.

“Thank you,” Lana said demurely, coming to stand next to him and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek and wiping the lip gloss off. She turned to her father. “Well, Dad?”

There’d been an epic battle over what sort of dress Lana would be allowed to wear to Jake’s prom, with Brenda and Maxie on one side, Patrick on the other, and Robin trying to negotiate an agreeable settlement. The end result was a floor length dress in dark purple, with thin spaghetti straps, and a modest neckline, the only objectionable element being the low cut back to the dress. Robin and Lana had worked on her hair for most of the afternoon, and her curls were piled high on her head. She wore the thin silver bracelets Robert and Patrick had given Robin so many years ago, and the opal star pendant that Brenda had given her and that she almost never took off.

“You look beautiful, sweetheart,” Patrick said grudgingly. “Don’t you think you’ll get cold, though? There’s not much of that dress.”

“Patrick,” Robin said warningly, squeezing a hand on Patrick’s shoulder.

Lana laughed. “I have a wrap. And it’s May, Dad. It’s not that cold outside.” She looked over at her mother. “Can we maybe get the pictures done?” She looked up at Jake. “We need to be at Ben’s soon, right?”

Jake looked down at his watch. “In about thirty minutes.”

“Picture time it is.” Robin stood and grabbed her camera from the ottoman. “Not to be cheesy and stereotypically, but go stand in front of the fireplace.”

The teens dutifully obeyed, walking over to the fireplace and posing for pictures.

“Big smiles,” Robin ordered, snapping picture after picture.

Growing tired of the ritual, Lana asked “How many more are you going to take?” while maintaining her wide smile.

“Alright, alright,” Robin conceded, lowering the camera. “Don’t forget to give Ben’s mom my camera so she can get pictures of your whole group.”

“I won’t.” Lana grabbed Jake’s hand and started tugging him towards the door. “Bye Mom, bye Dad, see you in the morning!”

“Remember that we get a call from the school if you decide to leave,” Patrick warned, standing now to watch them go.

Jake looked terrified again, while Lana rolled her eyes at her father. She dropped Jake’s hand and took a step towards her father, kissing his cheek. “I’m not going to do anything stupid, Daddy.”

Patrick grabbed her and pulled her into a tight hug. “Just remember that your grandparents are spies, your great-uncle is the police commissioner, and that I’m not above trailing you to this thing to make sure that kid doesn’t do anything he’s not supposed to.”

“Dad!” Lana exclaimed.

“Don’t worry about your father,” Robin said, coming up and prying Patrick off Lana. “I’ll keep him busy.”

Lana made a face. “Ew, Mom, I so didn’t need to hear that.”

“Alanna Mackenzie Drake!” Robin gasped. “You’d better get out of here before I decide to let your father loose on you after all.”

“Going!” Lana grabbed her purse and her wrap, tugging Jake out of the house behind her. Jake threw a parting smile behind him and then they were both gone, with the door swinging shut behind them.

Patrick sunk back into his chair and Robin climbed into his lap, wrapping her arms around him. “There, there,” she murmured, stroking his hair. “She’s still your little girl Patrick.”

“No, she’s not,” came his muffled response. “She’s growing up more and more everyday and I can’t seem to stop it.”

“Baby, of course you can’t stop it. But you can savor what’s left of her being your little girl.” Robin grabbed his chin, forcing him to look up at her. “And she’s always going to be your little girl, whether or not she’s actually little.”

“Well, she’ll always be little…” Patrick managed teasingly, bracing himself for the impending blow that he knew was about to arrive.

Robin hit him lightly in the bicep. “Watch it mister, or I won’t distract you from the things that you think are going on tonight.”

“Robin!” Patrick whined. “I’d actually managed to forget about that for a few seconds. Did you have to remind me?”

She nodded. “Yep. What have Lana and I told you about the short jokes?” She stood and held out a hand. “Come on, I think this calls for some alcohol, don’t you think?”

Patrick let her tug him to his feet. “That depends, are you going to have too much tequila and want to bang?” He waggled his eyebrows and leered at her.


“Come on, Scorpio, be a pal. Distract me.” Without waiting for a response, Patrick scooped Robin up and threw her over his shoulder, carrying her into the kitchen.

He was going to need a lot of distraction to make it through this night.

couple: robin scorpio/patrick drake, fandom: gh the next generation, prompts: 30_children, couple: lana drake/jake spencer, fandom: general hospital, lanaverse

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