Luna landings.

Jul 23, 2006 19:22

“So you see, this One giant step for mankind stuff, it’s just rubbish!”

Rose looked up at him and frowned, “So, you’re saying that Neil Armstrong didn’t actually go to the moon, that he wasn’t the first man on it? Why lie about such things.”

“Why lie about anything? Way of the universe. Think you can get away with something, you go for it. It’s not just a human flaw though.” The Doctor smiled at her and pushed one of the buttons on the console. “And no, that isn’t what I am saying.”

The look of confusion that flittered over Rose’s face made him smile even more. He loved these moments, the ones where he got to tell someone about something he knew. Proved how clever he was, being a genius and all, he was very clever indeed.

“So, what then? Neil Armstrong wasn’t the first man on the moon?”

“Oh, that he was Rose that he was.” He pulled a bit of a face, “Well, at least the first human man.”

“You’re not making any sense.” Rose set her feet up on the console and looked over at him once more. “How can it be a load of rubbish if he did it?”

“Ah!” He smiled and sat down beside her, “Here in lies the mystery. And we all love a good mystery.” There was a dramatic pause. “On the 21st July, 1969, a man called Neil Armstrong stepped out onto the moons surface, 238,857 miles from the Earth.”

The Doctor had that far off whimsical look he got sometimes, “So there he is, Neil Armstrong stepping down onto the moon and his little friends are there behind him, waiting to capture every moment of it on camera. Trouble was though,” he got a little serious, “For all the intelligence of these astronauts, they were a damned stupid bunch. They didn’t check the recording equipment before they began to disembark.”

Rose just burst out laughing, this couldn’t be right, really, it was just. All those people who believed in it, but then, there were people who didn’t believe in aliens and there were plenty of them out there. One of them was sitting next to her right at this moment in time.

“I’m serious. They get up there, all ready to show off the moon to the world and…nothing. No picture. Nadda.”

“So, what people were saying about the moon landing video, that it wasn’t real. That was the truth?”

“Stranger things have happened then a few select humans being right about something. So, Houston are sitting there looking like idiots while the world is on it’s backside in front of their televisions waiting for pictures of the first steps upon the moon by man. Some bright spark,” he smiles brightly at her, “Let’s call him John Smith, suggests that they should use the video footage they recorded during the training for the mission. Brilliant idea and the day is saved. Neil Armstrong steps out onto the moon and at the same time, with just a few seconds delay, Huston broadcasts to the world the astronauts training video.”

She shook her head laughing, “So, you are telling me that one of the most historical moments in man’s history was recoded in some studio somewhere?”

The Doctor nodded, “Brilliant I know. A few people have spotted things wrong with the clips used, but what are a few to millions believing it?”

“So, Neil Armstrong, first man on the moon and no-one saw it but the people with him?”

The Doctor nodded.

“That’s sad, I mean, people missing out on real history and believing what is really a lie!”

“Ah, now that is called life, Rose Tyler. Just look at you. Travelling space and time. How much truth you leaned over our time together?”

“True but…” Her words were cut off at the TARDIS lurched forward and they both sprung into action. Time for talking was over; the time for adventure was upon them once more.

Cross posted to: fanfic100, licenseartistic deviant_muses

fic, deviant muses, fanfic 100, artistic license

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